Chapter 176
"One million and fifty thousand."

Sheng Fenghua was thinking about it when he heard the first price call.Hearing that familiar voice, Sheng Fenghua secretly said: Sure enough!

It turned out that it was none other than Ji Jinglin who was asking the price.

He actually came here for that ginseng.

Since this is the case, then she has to have a good time with the other party no matter what.

"110 million." Sheng Fenghua called out the price.

Hearing her asking price, Jun Nianchen looked at Sheng Fenghua in surprise, this thing was her own, why did she ask the price herself?
Could it be that she regretted it and didn't want to auction it off?
Seeing that Sheng Fenghua finally had something he was interested in, Liu Rui thought of the boss's confession, so he quoted the price afterwards.

"One hundred and fifty thousand."


"130 million." Ji Jinglin added 15 directly when he saw that there were more people competing.

Sheng Fenghua smiled and added another fifty thousand.

After raising the price several times like this, Jun Nianchen finally found a clue, so he asked Sheng Fenghua in a low voice: "Fenghua, did that person offend you?"

"Why do you say that?" Sheng Fenghua raised his eyebrows, a little surprised by Jun Nianchen's sensitivity.

"Every time you bid, you bid after that person." Jun Nianchen told his discovery, Sheng Fenghua smiled, and didn't explain anything.

More and more people are raising prices, and the price of ginseng is getting higher and higher.Sheng Fenghua still increased the price after Ji Jinglin called for it, which made Ji Jinglin's eyes fall on her.

When Ji Jinglin found out that it was Sheng Fenghua who had met once, a strange feeling arose again.In order to prove his intuition, Ji Jinglin raised the price again.

However, Sheng Fenghua stopped talking.On the other hand, Liu Rui and Jun Nianchen raised the price accordingly.

As a result, Ji Jinglin had no choice but to dispel his doubts and compete with everyone for this ginseng.When he came, the people above explained that no matter what, this ginseng had to be photographed, because there was an employer who wanted to buy it.And the other party promised that no matter what price they paid for it, they would pay them double the price.

For this reason, Ji Jinglin was so determined to ask for this ginseng that the price was getting higher and higher, and finally only three people were left to take pictures.

Seeing that the auction price was already higher than his expectation, and Ji Jinglin still didn't give up, Sheng Fenghua saw that he was bound to get this ginseng, and couldn't help but guess in his heart.

Could it be that the leader of the organization is sick, so he needs this thing to save his life?Otherwise, why would Ji Jinglin keep increasing the price?

Just as he was thinking, Ji Jinglin had already called out a price of 1000 million.Sheng Fenghua saw that Jun Nianchen and Liu Rui were still asking for a price, so he reached out and tugged at their sleeves and said, "Forget it!"

Liu Rui was taken aback, looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Sister-in-law, are you worried about money? Don't worry, the boss said money is not a problem."

"It's not a matter of money." Sheng Fenghua shook his head, and did not explain to Liu Ruiduo, but only said: "It's useless for me to ask for ginseng."

Hearing this, Liu Rui didn't ask any more questions, nor did he ask for a price.

As for Jun Nianchen, the bidding was entirely to cooperate with Sheng Fenghua's cheating, and she stopped as soon as she opened her mouth.

So, the last ginseng was bought by Ji Jinglin at a price of 1000 million.

A single ginseng was sold for 1000 million yuan, and Sheng Fenghua became a rich woman in no time.In this way, her start-up capital is completely enough.

Thinking that his career was about to take the first step, Sheng Fenghua was in a good mood, with a smile on his face.

 The fourth watch is over!One request per day, favorites, votes, and messages. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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