Chapter 178
After receiving a call from Sheng Fenghua, Si Zhanbei had just finished his meal and was about to take a break. Good afternoon, he went to work.

"Daughter-in-law, have you eaten yet?" Hearing Sheng Fenghua's voice, Si Zhanbei smiled and asked.

"I've eaten. What about you?" Sheng Fenghua's excitement gradually calmed down when he heard Si Zhanbei's voice.Instead of calling to announce the good news, she suddenly felt that it was better to tell him in person.

"I've eaten too. When are you coming back?" Although the little wife had only been away for two days and one night, Si Zhanbei missed her very much.

If it wasn't for his status, he would have flown to Sheng Fenghua's side long ago.

"In the afternoon." Sheng Fenghua replied with a smile. Originally, she planned to stay another night, but now she suddenly wanted to see Si Zhanbei sooner.

She wants to tell him personally that she has money and can start a company.

"Okay, I'll let Liu Rui book the train ticket for you." Si Zhanbei was overjoyed when he heard that Sheng Fenghua would be back in the afternoon.

Not seeing her every day is like three autumns. He has not seen her for two days and one night, and he doesn't know how many autumns have passed.

Originally, he thought that Sheng Fenghua might stay in Beicheng for a few more days. After all, it was her first time going to such a big city, and she would definitely walk and shop more.

No, she actually wanted to come back so soon.Si Zhanbei was thinking, does his wife miss him the same way he misses her?

Thinking of this possibility, the smile on Si Zhanbei's face widened.

After hanging up Sheng Fenghua's phone, Si Zhanbei called Liu Rui and asked him to help book an afternoon train ticket.

Liu Rui's work was outstanding, and an hour later, he personally delivered the train ticket to Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua took the train ticket, checked the departure time, and immediately packed it up.Fortunately, she doesn't have many things, just a few clothes and some small gifts she bought.

After a while, Sheng Fenghua packed his things and went to the train station in Liu Rui's car.

Liu Rui personally sent her to the train, watched the train leave, then called Si Zhanbei and asked him to go pick her up.

In order to pick up Sheng Fenghua at the station, Si Zhanbei deliberately got off work an hour earlier, and then borrowed a car from the regiment to pick him up at the train station.

Jun Nianchen didn't know that Sheng Fenghua had left. When he was going back to City A and wanted to take Sheng Fenghua back with him, he went to the hotel to ask and found out that she had left.

Not being able to be with Sheng Fenghua again, Jun Nianchen was a little disappointed, and was not in a hurry to return to City A, and stayed in Beicheng for a day before returning.

More than three hours later, the train arrived at the station.Sheng Fenghua looked at the time, it happened to be when he got off work in the afternoon, thinking that Si Zhanbei would not come to pick him up, after all he just got off work, even if he came from the army, it would take an hour.

So she got off the train with her things.But he didn't want to, when he got off the train, he saw the familiar figure standing at the door waiting for him.

"Zhan Bei!" Sheng Fenghua shouted in surprise, looking at the smiling man, his heart felt warm and moved like a spring breeze.

She knew that if Si Zhan Bei Neng appeared on the train at this time, he must have asked for leave in advance.She knows better that Si Zhanbei is a person who puts work first.But for her sake, he lowered his principles and put work in the second place.

How could she not be moved?
"Daughter-in-law, give me something." Si Zhanbei laughed, took the things from Sheng Fenghua's hand with one hand, and took her little hand with the other.

Seeing Si Zhanbei easily pick up the things in his hands, Sheng Fenghua frowned and walked out of the train station with him.

(End of this chapter)

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