ace warm marriage

Chapter 199 Dangerous Attack

Chapter 199 Dangerous Attack
"What should I do? Of course it's revenge." Head Bai had a cruel expression on his face. Bai Feifei was the daughter he held in his palm.Since Si Zhanbei was so ignorant and ruined his daughter, how could a father bear it?
"Father, what do you want to do?" Bai Feifei was a little excited, looking at Captain Bai eagerly.

However, Captain Bai didn't want to tell Bai Feifei, but patted her on the head and said, "Feifei, you don't need to worry about these things, I will arrange it for you as a father. In short, I won't let you Suffering all this. If you dare to hurt my Bai Hai's daughter, how can you not pay a price?"

"Father, just tell me." Bai Feifei hugged Bai Hai's arm, shaking it coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, I'll just tell you." Bai Hai's head hurt from being shaken by Bai Feifei, so he could only tell her his plan.

"I've already called your Uncle Zeng and asked him to clean up Sheng Fenghua." Bai Hai said with a smile.Zeng Qing is his good friend, he is a businessman, and he can be regarded as a successful person with a reputation in City A. He has some people under him, and it is more than enough to teach Sheng Fenghua a lesson.

"Uncle Zeng?" Bai Feifei's eyes lit up. She knew Zeng Qing and had met him several times before.The other party liked her very much and gave her a lot of gifts.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Zeng Qing's son Zeng Yongquan likes her.

In the past, she only had Si Zhanbei in her heart, so she ignored him, but now it's different.She has seen Si Zhanbei's ruthlessness, and she has now turned her love for Si Zhanbei into hatred.

Since she can't get it, it will be ruined.

"Yes, it's him."

"I know him, I've been to their house to play before."

"That's right, I'll take you to visit Uncle Zeng's house when I'm free in a few days, okay?"


Speaking of Zeng Qing, the father and daughter talked a lot, and they chatted for a long time before taking a rest.

The next day, Sheng Fenghua went to the city as usual.Because the person Si Zhanbei was looking for was not in place yet, she was still alone.

However, when Sheng Fenghua got off the bus and didn't walk a few steps, he clearly felt that someone was following him.

Thinking of what Captain Bai said during the walk last night, Sheng Fenghua became vigilant.Leader Bai is different from Bai Feifei. If Bai Feifei can only find a few gangsters to deal with him, then leader Bai will probably find a killer.

Even though she hadn't spoken to Captain Bai last night, she could tell that the other party was a ruthless master.

She quickened her pace and walked towards Zhao Gang's agency.Since Zhao Gang is Si Zhanbei's soldier, he should be able to help him.

However, Sheng Fenghua thought very well, but the other party obviously didn't want her to ask for help.So, before she reached the agency, she was surrounded by several strong men in black.

It seems that if she doesn't fight today, she won't be able to leave.

Sheng Fenghua simply stopped, looked at the strong men surrounding him, and asked coldly: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

The strong men didn't speak, but moved their hands directly.

Seeing the other party rushing towards him, Sheng Fenghua's face darkened, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and dodged away.

Sheng Fenghua's performance surprised the strong men, and they began to look at her seriously.

I thought it was just to teach a little girl a lesson.In the end, it was discovered that this little girl had some skills.

"Lian Jiazi? Very good!" A strong man took a deep look at Sheng Fenghua, and then told the others: "Let's go together!"

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(End of this chapter)

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