ace warm marriage

Chapter 201 His Arrival

Chapter 201 His Arrival
He, none other than Si Zhanbei.

The six people sensed the danger immediately and retreated immediately.But it was too late, Si Zhanbei had already taken the lead.

As soon as Si Zhanbei made a move, the six of them had no power to fight back.Even if they have a large number of people, under Si Zhanbei's offensive, they can only retreat steadily.

In the blink of an eye, all six of them were knocked to the ground by Si Zhanbei.

After beating up six men, Si Zhanbei walked up to Sheng Fenghua, looked at her with distressed face, and stretched out his hand to help her up.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, I'm late." Si Zhanbei looked at the scars on Sheng Fenghua's body, feeling distressed and blaming himself.He should have sent someone to protect Sheng Fenghua earlier.

"It's not too late!" Sheng Fenghua laughed, but unexpectedly, he pulled the wound on the corner of his mouth and it hurt, and the smile froze on his face.

Si Zhanbei looked at it, feeling more and more distressed.Carefully reached out to touch the little wife's face, but dared not.

"It's okay, don't worry." Sheng Fenghua whispered, then turned to look at those who besieged her.

When she saw that those people were beaten to the ground, the expression on her face softened.Then he looked towards the intersection, saw that the car was still there, felt relieved, and said, "Zhan Bei, the person in the car over there should be the mastermind, you arrest him and ask who sent them here ?”

"You don't need to ask, I probably know who it is." Si Zhanbei shook his head, and helped Sheng Fenghua walk to the car beside him.

Sheng Fenghua had injuries all over his body, so he had to go to the hospital.

As soon as the two arrived in front of the car, Zhao Gang and a strange man walked over, looked at Si Zhanbei and asked, "Boss, it's done."

"Well, detain them first. After I send your sister-in-law to the hospital, I will clean them up."

"Yes!" The two agreed.

Si Zhanbei supported Sheng Fenghua and was about to get into the car, when the strange man spoke again and said, "Boss, everyone in that car has been controlled, what should we do?"

"Like those people, close it first. Everything will be discussed when I come back."

After Si Zhanbei finished speaking, he helped Sheng Fenghua into the car, and left without looking back.

Zhao Gang and the strange man watched Si Zhanbei drive away, and immediately went to deal with the aftermath.

Sitting in the car, Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei with an ugly face, stretched out his hand and tugged at his sleeve, and said, "Zhanbei, I'm really fine, don't worry."

"Daughter-in-law, it's my fault. I said I would protect you. But I hurt you again and again. I really deserve to die."

As he said that, Si Zhanbei slapped himself hard on the thigh, which startled Sheng Fenghua.After regaining consciousness, he looked at him and said seriously: "Zhan Bei, I don't allow you to say that about yourself, you have done a good job. This is just an accident, an accident, understand?"

"No, daughter-in-law, I didn't do well enough. Otherwise, I wouldn't have hurt you." Si Zhanbei was still very remorseful and remorseful.

Fortunately, the car arrived at the nearest hospital soon.Si Zhanbei took Sheng Fenghua to check her body, and after confirming that her body was fine and that it was really a skin trauma, he sent her back to Scenery Garden's home.

Back home, Si Zhanbei told Sheng Fenghua to take a good rest, and drove away again.

He's going to clean up those people.

Dare to bully his wife Zhan Bei, how can he do it without paying the price?
Zeng Qing was locked in the room, full of anxiety.

He never thought that Si Zhanbei would come so fast, so fast that he was controlled before he had time to react.

(End of this chapter)

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