ace warm marriage

Chapter 216 Drunk

Chapter 216 Drunk
Curious, envious, jealous, all of them.

So many eyes fell on Bai Feifei's body, she frowned in displeasure, and leaned against Zeng Wen's body.

"Brother Wen, who is this beauty? Let me introduce you to my brothers?" A man with yellow hair spoke first. He is Zeng Wen's friend Huang Yucheng, nicknamed Huang Mao.

"My friend Bai Feifei." Zeng Wen introduced Bai Feifei's identity with a smile.But as soon as the words came out, everyone booed instantly, saying: "Brother Wen, what kind of friend, I think he is a girlfriend? See how well you protect her?"

"Don't talk nonsense, we're just friends." Zeng Wen glared at everyone, telling them not to talk nonsense, but the tone was not that serious at all.

So, everyone gave a clear look and said, "Understood, I understand, we are just ordinary friends."

After Zeng Wen introduced Bai Feifei, he introduced his friends to her.He introduced all the men, all of them were his friends, but as for the women, he didn't introduce any of them.

Bai Feifei knew that those women were just the companions of these men, and they belonged to the kind of play-by-play.

Bai Feifei greeted Zeng Wen's friends generously, and then sat down in the middle of the sofa with Zeng Wen.

As soon as the two of them sat down, someone brought wine and said, "Miss Bai, it's your first time here, so you should have a good drink."

Bai Feifei glanced at Zeng Wen upon hearing this.

Zeng Wen took the wine in the other party's hand with a smile, poured a glass for Bai Feifei, handed it to her, and said, "Drink, it's fine."

Bai Feifei's capacity for alcohol is not very good. He originally wanted not to drink it, but when he saw the wine Zeng Wen brought to him, he thought about what he had asked him to do, so he took it and started to drink it.

She drank the wine in one breath, and everyone booed and said loudly that she was proud.So the cup was poured again the next day.

In this way, Bai Feifei drank three glasses of wine, her face turned red, Zeng Wen didn't let her drink, and then sat and talked with her.

Bai Feifei sat beside Zeng Wen, his head gradually became heavy due to drinking too much wine.

"Zeng Wen, I'm dizzy!" Bai Feifei turned his head and whispered to Zeng Wen.

"May I take you to rest?" Zeng Wen looked at Bai Feifei's drunken look, his eyes flickered, and then he helped her out of the private room and went upstairs to the room.

The other people in the private room looked at this scene, winking and showing ambiguous eyes.

But at this time, Bai Feifei didn't know it at all, and followed Zeng Wen directly upstairs.

Upstairs, Zeng Wen had a special room, so he helped Bai Feifei and walked in.

Bai Feifei, who was very drunk, soon fell unconscious on the bed.Zeng Wen looked at it, and immediately covered it, a glint of triumph flashed in his eyes.

The woman Xiao had dreamed of for so many years was finally going to belong to him.

Thinking about it, Zeng Wen was so happy that he lowered his head and kissed Bai Feifei's lips.

When Bai Feifei woke up and found himself lying on the bed with a man beside him, his expression changed instantly.

Just about to scream, a familiar voice came into her ears, and then she saw the other person's appearance clearly.

"Zeng Wen, why is it you?" Bai Feifei looked at Zeng Wen in shock, never thinking that the man on the bed would be him.

All along, in her eyes, Zeng Wen respected her very much, and never forced her, or even made some excessive moves.

But today, he actually slept with her while she was drunk.

Is this still the Zeng Wen in her eyes?

 Thank you Jiuyue Li for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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