ace warm marriage

Chapter 221 This chapter is gone

Chapter 221 It's Time to Go Back
"Daughter-in-law, when can your affairs be finished?" Si Zhanbei asked while holding Sheng Fenghua in his arms while playing with her fingers.

If she doesn't go back to the courtyard, those women will start talking again.Of course, he didn't care what others said, but he couldn't see Sheng Fenghua thinking too much every day.

"Soon, it will take about half a month." Sheng Fenghua calculated the time and said with a smile.Now, the staff is basically recruited, and the office building is almost fully decorated.

"There's still half a month left!" Si Zhanbei's heart turned cold when he heard that it would take such a long time.I will not see my daughter-in-law for more than half a month, how can this be done.

It's impossible, he runs to the city every day.

"What's wrong?" Sensing that Si Zhanbei's tone was wrong, Sheng Fenghua looked up at her.

Looking into his little wife's eyes, Si Zhanbei pondered for a while, and then said: "Daughter-in-law, can you go back to the army to stay at night?"

"?" Sheng Fenghua was puzzled, he didn't understand why Si Zhanbei asked him to go back to live in the army.In the past, he said that if he was too busy, he could just live in the city.

Seeing the expression on Sheng Fenghua's face, Si Zhanbei sighed, and said, "Daughter-in-law, when you're not here, I can't sleep every day, and I can't eat the meals you cook. Look at me now, can't I A lot more emaciated than before?"

In order for Sheng Fenghua to return to live in the army, Si Zhanbei also worked hard.

Hearing this, Sheng Fenghua looked up at Si Zhanbei, sized him up for a while, and sure enough, seeing the tired look on his brows, his heart softened instantly, and said, "Okay, if I'm not that busy, then Just go back. Just drive back, okay?"

When Si Zhanbei heard this, he laughed, squeezed Sheng Fenghua's fingers, and said, "Daughter-in-law, I've already made up my mind, just let Dayong or Xiaoyong pick you up every day, instead of driving by myself."

Sheng Fenghua was taken aback for a moment, she seemed to have never thought about it, and then nodded, agreeing.

"You agreed, that's great." Si Zhanbei became happy, and excitedly kissed Sheng Fenghua's lips again. He didn't let her go until she leaned softly in his arms, and coaxed: "Daughter-in-law, why don't you go back to the army with me today. Let Dayong and the others pick you up tomorrow morning, how about it?"

"Today?" Sheng Fenghua asked blankly, his brain was a little hypoxic after being kissed by Si Zhanbei, and he hadn't recovered yet.

"That's right, how about today?" Si Zhanbei rubbed Sheng Fenghua softly, forging while the iron is hot, Si Zhanbei still understands this truth.

"It's too late today." Sheng Fenghua frowned, it was already eight o'clock.At this time, when we go back, it is time to turn off the lights when we arrive at the army.

Thinking that it was time to turn off the lights, Sheng Fenghua also thought that Si Zhanbei came out on leave, so he had to sit up straight and said, "Zhanbei, it's getting late, you should go back, or you will miss the time to turn off the lights, Not good."

"Daughter-in-law, just go back with me, okay?" Si Zhanbei also knew that it was getting late, so he kept grinding Sheng Fenghua.

"Tomorrow, okay?" Sheng Fenghua discussed with Si Zhanbei, and she didn't want to move today.Moreover, her intuition told her that something would definitely happen when she went back with Si Zhanbei today.

But she is not ready yet, she can only hide like an ostrich for a day.

"Just today, okay?" Si Zhanbei rested his head on Sheng Fenghua's shoulder, rubbing and rubbing non-stop.It made Sheng Fenghua's whole body itchy, stretched out his hand and pushed his head, and said, "Speak well, don't grind."

 Thank you for the reward that happened to meet you, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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