ace warm marriage

Chapter 224 Make a Suggestion

Chapter 224 Make a Suggestion
But he didn't want to hear what Li Chunmei said.

He had long heard that someone was spreading bad things about Sheng Fenghua, and he didn't want to spread such bad things.What sugar daddy, why didn't he know when Sheng Fenghua became a sugar daddy?
Moreover, even if you want a sugar daddy, you still have to be close to him, okay?
Sure enough, where there are many women, there will be more right and wrong.It seems that he has to propose to the political commissar to give these military wives ideological and political education.Otherwise, if things go on like this, Sheng Fenghua will be even more unwilling to come back in the future.

"Okay, now that you've seen me too, go back to work. I'll rest for a while and cook again." Sheng Fenghua reached out and pushed Si Zhanbei, urging him to leave.

"That's okay, I'll go back first, you have a good rest. Don't worry about the outside affairs, I will take care of them." Si Zhanbei finished speaking, took a deep look at Sheng Fenghua, and then left.

When Si Zhanbei left, thinking of what Li Chunmei said, Sheng Fenghua's eyes were filled with cold light.It seems that during the days when she didn't go home, someone was gossiping behind her again.

And Sheng Fenghua knew who this person was without even thinking about it?People who can have such great energy and know what she is doing outside, don't think of others except Bai Feifei.

I thought that after what happened last time, it would be time for her to calm down for a while.But I didn't want to, I was still restless.It seems that she has to find a way to make her dare not mess with her again.

But at this time, Sheng Fenghua didn't know that Bai Feifei not only bad-mouthed her in the family courtyard, but also secretly prepared a big move waiting for her.

Besides, Si Zhanbei, after leaving the family building, went directly to the office of the regiment headquarters and found political commissar Yang Jiangang.

Seeing Si Zhanbei, Political Commissar Yang was very surprised and asked, "Zhanbei, why are you free today?"

"There is something that I want to make a suggestion to the political commissar." Si Zhanbei is a straightforward person, especially to Commissar Yang, who has always valued him, he will not hide anything, and directly tells what happened in the family courtyard.

Political commissar Yang knew about Sheng Fenghua's business outside the company, and he also knew about Sheng Fenghua's abilities.So, I was shocked to hear the rumors that Si Zhanbei said.

Commissar Yang was also a little displeased with these military wives who were causing trouble.He knew that the qualities of the military wives varied, but he didn't expect their actions to be so ridiculous.This is simply smearing the title of military wife.

Commissar Yang looked at Si Zhanbei and asked, "Do you have any good ideas, let's hear them."

"Political commissar, I think these military wives are too busy, so why don't we arrange an hour of political study for them every night, so as to improve their ideological consciousness, so that they will not only fail to help us, but also give us husbands Hold back."

"Political study?" Commissar Yang was stunned. This political study is usually only for the soldiers under his command, but the military wives have never organized study.

However, Si Zhanbei's words are also reasonable. The quality of these military wives is too low, and they should be educated.

So, Commissar Yang pondered for a while and said, "Okay, I will consider this suggestion."

"Thank you political commissar, I'll go to work first." After listening to Commissar Yang's words, Si Zhanbei stood up and prepared to leave.No, Commissar Yang spoke up, saying, "Zhan Bei, wait a minute."

"Is there something else for the political commissar?" Si Zhanbei looked up at Commissar Yang and asked.

"Zhanbei, it's like this. The military region organized a study, and I reported your name. It's in city B. You have to be prepared."

(End of this chapter)

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