ace warm marriage

Chapter 228 Let me do the washing

Chapter 228 Let me do the washing
She leaned against the door, her face was flushed red, and her face was extremely hot.After a while, she got up and walked to the faucet, looking in the mirror while splashing cold water on her face.

Outside, Si Zhanbei looked at the closed door with a twinkle in his eyes.

After that, he entered the room and removed the quilt that was soiled last night.When removing the quilt, a plum blossom in full bloom fell into his eyes, making the corners of his mouth twitch uncontrollably.

When Sheng Fenghua came out after washing, he saw a new quilt in the room, and couldn't help but blushed again.

Fortunately, Si Zhan Beiren was no longer in the room, he went to the cafeteria to have breakfast.Sheng Fenghua was very tired last night, and he didn't want to make her tired in the morning.

Sheng Fenghua carried the quilt into the bathroom and soaked it up.

Not long after, Si Zhanbei came back.He put down the breakfast and invited Sheng Fenghua to have it together.

When eating breakfast, his speed was obviously much faster than usual.Sheng Fenghua looked at it, and couldn't help but asked, "Are you busy today? Are you in such a hurry?"

Unexpectedly, Si Zhanbei glanced at her and said, "It's okay, I will wash the quilt later."

Sheng Fenghua was taken aback for a while, but didn't react for a long time.After reacting, he immediately said, "No, no, I'll just wash it myself."

"It's okay, you were exhausted yesterday, let me wash it." Si Zhanbei waved his hand, drank the last mouthful of porridge, and then took the bowl into the kitchen.

He washed his own dishes before going to wash the quilt.

Until Si Zhanbei was washing the quilt, Sheng Fenghua still couldn't react in a daze.

When she realized it, Si Zhanbei had almost washed the quilt.So, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to lower his head and finish his breakfast.

After breakfast, it's almost time to go to work.After Si Zhanbei finished drying the quilt, he was ready to go to work.Before leaving, he originally wanted to hug Sheng Fenghua.

It's just that seeing her shy look, she held back in the end, and just told her: "Daughter-in-law, you can go back and sleep again. I've already called Dayong and told him to come pick you up in the afternoon."

After Si Zhanbei finished speaking, he left for work.Sheng Fenghua stared blankly at his background and was out of shape for a long time.

However, she was indeed a little sleepy, so she didn't care so much, and went directly to her room to sleep.

When I woke up, it was already half noon.Sheng Fenghua's spirit improved a lot, and he couldn't help thinking of his stupid appearance in the morning, and couldn't help but secretly vomited, "Isn't it just being eaten? How could you be so slow in reacting?"

The dignified ghost doctor, although he has never eaten pork in his previous life, has he never seen a pig run away?Shy as hell.

I don't know if it's because of his own mental construction, Sheng Fenghua quickly put the matter of being eaten behind his head, washed his face and stepped into the space.

These days, she didn't go back to the courtyard, and spent almost every night in the space.In that laboratory, a lot of proprietary medicines have been produced, which is already enough to set up a pharmacy.

The first thing Sheng Fenghua did when he entered the space was to drink a few sips of water in the space to eliminate the aftereffects left by him last night.

After drinking water, she went to the laboratory and wrote down the formulas of some medicines for production after the new factory building was built.

I wrote about ten prescriptions, and it was almost 11:30.So, Sheng Fenghua put away the prescription, left the space, and started cooking.

When Si Zhanbei got off work, he walked into the family building and smelled the familiar aroma of food, so he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

(End of this chapter)

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