ace warm marriage

Chapter 232 Selling Drugs

Chapter 232 Selling Drugs
He had no choice but to ask Sheng Fenghua to come over and ask her to tell them by herself.

"Don't believe it?" Sheng Fenghua laughed, thinking that Dean Yang didn't believe him at the beginning, and later he made the medicine himself in his hospital, so he believed it.

"Sheng girl, what are you laughing at?" Dean Yang looked at Sheng Fenghua and kept smiling at him, a little confused.

"It's nothing, I just remembered the first time I saw you." Sheng Fenghua said with a smile.When she said this, Dean Yang also remembered what happened that time, and couldn't help but look a little unnatural, and said: "That's all in the past, and why did you mention him."

"Okay, I'll listen to you, don't mention it." Sheng Fenghua was a little funny, nodded obediently, then turned to look at the professors, and said, "Dean Yang is right, these medicines are not from what I bought it from somewhere, but made it myself."

Sheng Fenghua said so, but the professors were still a little dubious. The level of medical skills she showed when she took the exam had already shocked them, calling her a genius.

But now she can actually make medicines, and I heard that the medicines she made are more effective than similar medicines.This is not just as simple as a genius, it is simply a monster.

"Sheng girl, I want to ask, what else do you know in the field of medicine?" Professor Ouyang couldn't help asking.In the past, he was always proud of accepting Bai Feifei, a talented student.

But now, compared with Sheng Fenghua, this Bai Feifei is simply not enough to look at.At this time, Professor Ouyang couldn't help being jealous of Sheng Fenghua's master.

Having such a monstrous apprentice, I don't know how many generations of cultivation is a blessing.

"Professor Ouyang, look at what you said, I don't know much about it." Sheng Fenghua looked humble.After finishing speaking, he asked Dean Yang at the side, "Dean Yang, how are you? Is there any medicine you fancy? I can give you a [-]% discount."

"You girl, the price of your medicine is so high, even with a [-]% discount, it's still expensive." Dean Yang scolded with a smile.

"Dean Yang, don't think it's expensive. It's not me. The effect of my medicine is definitely better than that of the outside." Sheng Fenghua smiled all over his face. Her medicine is indeed a little expensive, but the effect is also remarkable.

"It is."

Regarding this point, Dean Yang admits it.Not to mention anything else, Mr. Jun has already seen it.He was really happy to see his friend's body getting healthier and healthier day by day, and to see that his heart attack did not recur.

"So, you get what you pay for."

Compared to Dean Yang, the other professors had never seen the effects of Sheng Fenghua's medicines after using them, so they were a little dubious and said, "Sheng Fenghua, are you really not bragging?"

"If you don't believe me, you can take my medicine for testing." Relatively speaking, Sheng Fenghua prefers to speak with facts.

"Okay, then I'll just pick one at random and see how it works?" Professor Ouyang happened to know a friend who was doing drug testing, so he planned to take something to test to see if the drugs were really that good, or whether Yang A play co-starred by the dean and Sheng Fenghua.

"Yes, you can choose whatever you want." Sheng Fenghua was generous and agreed directly.

"Okay, that's it. I'll choose whatever I want later."

The matter was settled in this way, Sheng Fenghua looked at Dean Yang again, and said: "Dean Yang, I have a lot of medicines here that your hospital can use, you can think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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