Chapter 243
"Let us go, we were wronged. It's obviously the medicine from the pharmacy that killed someone, so what does it matter to us?"

"You are covering up the murderer, we refuse to accept it."

"Yeah, we don't accept it. Why do they arrest us instead of arresting people who died after eating the medicine in the pharmacy?"

"Officials and officials protect each other, and it's the same everywhere. Isn't it because you know the soldier just now? So, you dare not arrest the people in the shop, you can only use us."

Bai Feifei stalked the pharmacy and the police officers one after another, making Si Zhanbei and the police officers look ugly.

But those spectators didn't know what was going on at all. After hearing what Bai Feifei said, they couldn't help but suspect Cheese Zhanbei and the police officers.

Some people who thought they were righteous even deliberately blocked the way of Comrade Public Security, saying: "You can't arrest people casually."

"That's right, where's the patient just now? Why didn't I see it. If it's really a problem with the medicine in this pharmacy, then the owner of the pharmacy should be the one you should arrest."

Seeing the effect of his words, Bai Feifei felt complacent, and then said loudly again: "Yes, where did the patient go before, let him come out."

"I just saw the patient taken away."

"What, don't you want to destroy the evidence?"

"Who knows? Maybe the patient is dead. I just saw that his face was blue and purple, as if he had been poisoned."

"What? Poisoning?" Someone was startled and said, "Is it possible that there is really something wrong with the medicine in this pharmacy."

These words made those who remained neutral, or those who had a good impression of Sheng Fenghua, couldn't bear to listen to them. They couldn't help but stand up and said, "You can't talk nonsense. If it's not from this pharmacy Is it because of the medicine, or something else?"

"What empty talk, I have evidence for this." Bai Feifei said, and took out a small note from his body, which was the slip that Ah Cai printed out when he bought the medicine.

Although the note is small, the words Shengshi Guoyao are still very obvious.

Bai Feifei held the receipt and pointed it in front of everyone's eyes, pointed to the words 'Prosperous Chinese Medicine', and said, "Have you seen it? I didn't lie to you. Before, that patient bought painkillers here. I thought that after taking the medicine, he would soon be relieved of pain, but I didn’t expect the medicine to kill him.”

"Do you still dare to buy such a drug that can kill people? Tell me, should we boycott such unscrupulous merchants? Should we sue them?"

Bai Feifei's words instantly resonated with everyone, so he cursed loudly at Feng Rui and the other employees in the store.

"Selling counterfeit medicines in order to make money, it's really unconscionable."

"Withdraw the medicine, withdraw the medicine, we want to withdraw the medicine. We will not buy the medicine from this pharmacy in the future."

"That's right, refund the money, refund our money quickly."

Seeing everyone bewitched by Bai Feifei, clamoring for refund of money and medicine, and scolding Sheng Fenghua and the store staff, Si Zhanbei's eyes turned cold.

Although these people are not friends, they can be regarded as partners.They have dealt with Sheng Fenghua more or less, and even followed Bai Feifei to slander Sheng Fenghua and the pharmacy, and even refunded the money and the medicine.

Do you really think that Sheng Fenghua would appreciate them buying her medicine?
Si Zhanbei sneered, walked towards the clamoring crowd, and was about to speak.

No, at this moment a van stopped in front of the pharmacy.

 The fourth watch is over!Dear friends, guess who is in the van?

(End of this chapter)

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