ace warm marriage

Chapter 245 Rectification of name and treatment

Chapter 245 Rectification of name and treatment
Si Zhanbei was also worried and anxious. He turned his head and glanced at the closed door of the lounge, and then took out the phone.

No matter whether the final result of this matter is good or bad, he can't let Bai Feifei and Zeng Wen ruin Sheng Fenghua's hard work.

The other people in the pharmacy also became quiet at this moment, looking at the sudden reporter and the talking Huang Mao, they were a little confused about the situation.

The people who were leaning towards Bai Feifei and Zeng Wen also became confused.

They are not fools. The reporter who came suddenly, and the person who came suddenly, looked like they were here to make trouble.

Otherwise, why not come early or late, but only come at this time?
Everyone stopped talking for a while, and watched the development of the situation in silence.And the reporters who were blocked by the security guards, how could they be so willing to squeeze forward one by one.

Fortunately, these security guards were all recruited by Si Zhanbei, and all of them were soldiers, so they were more than capable of dealing with this group of reporters.

Soon, the group of reporters was cut off.And Zeng Wen and Bai Feifei also temporarily stayed and did not take them away.

Since Bai Feifei just said that Si Zhanbei may have colluded with the comrades of the police, this matter must be explained clearly.Otherwise, the image of the people's police will be discredited by her.

Just how to explain, you have to master the method.

Thinking about it, Si Zhanbei specially asked someone to tune out the video of the surveillance system.Not only that, he also asked the comrades of the police to transfer the confessions of the two men before.

While Si Zhanbei was busy rectifying the name of the pharmacy and whitewashing the comrades in the police.Sheng Fenghua was still busy in the space.

Although she brought Ah Cai into the space in time, it was not easy to detoxify him and revive him because he took too much medicine.

Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua has a laboratory and a pool of good water, otherwise it is really possible to capsize in the gutter.

Sheng Fenghua first washed Ah Cai's stomach, then gave him antidote, sacrificed some water from the pool, and finally rescued him.

Seeing that Ah Cai was about to wake up, Sheng Fenghua took him out of the space, and then waited quietly for him to wake up while giving him a drip.

Fortunately, this Ah Cai's physical fitness is not bad, although he was tossed so much, he still woke up quickly.

Seeing that the man woke up, Sheng Fenghua helped Ah Cai check again, and after making sure that he was just a little weaker and had no other problems, he felt relieved.

"Where is this place?" Ah Cai couldn't help asking when he opened his eyes and saw Sheng Fenghua who was examining him and the bottle hanging above his head.

"Drugstore!" Sheng Fenghua said lightly, and when he saw Ah Cai's face that changed color after hearing the word pharmacy, his eyes flickered.

"You saved me?" Ah Cai was silent for a while before asking again.

"That's right!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, and then described his previous physical condition in a calm tone.

Ah Cai is also a smart person, thinking of what Bai Feifei said before, how could he not understand what happened to him.

If Sheng Fenghua hadn't saved him, he would have turned into a corpse.

Now, he had lost one life with great difficulty, and his mood was quite different.

His mother told him since he was a child that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring.Not to mention the grace of saving lives?

So, he looked at Sheng Fenghua and suddenly asked, "What do you want me to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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