Chapter 264
At this time, in the hotel parking lot, the middle-aged man's phone rang.As soon as he looked at the caller ID, he glanced at Sheng Fenghua, and immediately stepped aside to answer the call.

"He has already left. He is probably going to save his wife. Be careful."

After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

The middle-aged man's face turned ugly when he heard the blind voice coming from the phone.This Si Zhanbei actually dared to lie to him, even talked about thinking about it, but secretly thinking about how to save his wife.

Fortunately, someone reported to him, otherwise he would have been cheated.The rumors were really unbelievable. I heard that Si Zhanbei didn't care about his little wife before, but now it seems that's not the case at all.

It seems that he has to be tough.Otherwise, when Si Zhanbei arrives, if he hasn't won Sheng Fenghua, how can he negotiate with him?
Sheng Fenghua has been paying attention to the middle-aged man, watching him walk aside to make a phone call, and observing the changing expression on his face, he immediately became vigilant, and said to Dayong: "Dayong, be careful, the other party may want to The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry."

The man who was restrained by Dayong's face turned dark when he heard Sheng Fenghua's words.But he couldn't move, so he could only stare at Sheng Fenghua and Dayong angrily with his eyes.

Besides, Si Zhanbei, after leaving the place, immediately called the security captain of Shengshi Sinopharm and asked him to bring someone to help Sheng Fenghua.

Shengshi is not far from the hotel. After receiving the call, the security captain immediately summoned all the security guards and headed for the hotel in a mighty manner.

The middle-aged man returned to his spot, gave Sheng Fenghua a deep look, and then made a gesture.Seeing the other party's gesture, Dayong's expression changed instantly, he grabbed the person in his hand and stood in front of Sheng Fenghua, and said to the middle-aged man: "Chief, don't act recklessly, otherwise I will have to kill him. "

Dayong said while increasing the strength of his hand.The man who was restrained by him soon ran out of oxygen, his face flushed red.

However, the middle-aged man glanced at his subordinates and said: "He is not good at learning, even if he dies, no one can blame him."

Hearing this, the man's face turned pale, while Dayong's expression changed.He never thought that the leader he admired would say such a thing.

Is it true that distance produces beauty?In the past, they could only see each other from a distance, or in other words, they could only see him during mobilization meetings and lectures.

At that time, each of them had in their hearts the heroic deeds of the chief.

But now, when they came into close contact, they realized that everything had changed.He is no longer a hero in their minds, but a man who will do anything for his own benefit.

The Chief's gesture was made, and many men in casual clothes suddenly appeared in the parking lot.They approached Sheng Fenghua and Dayong in a closed posture.

"Sister-in-law, I'll make a hole in a while, you should run away first." Dayong looked at the situation and confessed to Sheng Fenghua in a low voice.

As soon as the words fell, Dayong used force with his hand, knocking out the man under his control and throwing him to the ground.

Although the other party is very hateful, it is still impossible to let him kill.After all, he is not a criminal anymore, not an enemy.

Sheng Fenghua watched Dayong's movements, but didn't say anything, but immediately became alert.

When Dayong knocked the man unconscious, those men in plain clothes had already narrowed their perimeter and were approaching the two of them.The middle-aged man looked at it, smiled, and retreated to a safe place.

He wanted to see how Sheng Fenghua and Dayong could defeat his subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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