ace warm marriage

Chapter 277 One More Hit

Chapter 277 Another Strike

Only Sheng Fenghua said with a smile: "What do you mean, of course I brought you good news."

"Are you so kind?" Bai Feifei looked at Sheng Fenghua suspiciously. She remembered clearly what she did to Sheng Fenghua.

In this way, Sheng Fenghua can still bring her good news, so it's a lie.

"It seems that you are not stupid." The smile on Sheng Fenghua's face was a little bit thicker, his delicate lips parted, and he said lightly: "However, what I want to tell you is definitely good news, so don't thank me too much oh."

Sheng Fenghua specially emphasized the word 'good', which gave Bai Feifei a weird feeling.She looked up at Sheng Fenghua, and said in a cold voice: "Speak quickly if you have something to say, and let go if you have to fart. If you just came to mock me and watch my jokes, then you have seen it, and you can go."

"Of course I want to go, but I have to wait until I tell you the news." Sheng Fenghua smiled lightly, not caring about Bai Feifei's attitude.The other party's ending is already doomed, so why should she care so much.

"Say it quickly, and get out when you're done." Bai Feifei glared at Sheng Fenghua, his hatred for her continued unabated.If she could, she wished she could tear Sheng Fenghua into pieces.

But the experience of these few fights told her that Sheng Fenghua was stronger than her, and if she wanted to tear her apart, first, she had to find a stronger backstage than her backstage, and secondly, she had to practice for a few more years.

The smile on Sheng Fenghua's face gradually disappeared, and then he looked at Bai Feifei and said, "Bai Feifei, today, I have two news to tell you. One is that the military hospital already knows about the good deeds you have done. Now, you You have been expelled from the hospital, and you don’t even have your military status. Second, your home has been sealed off.”

The closure of the Bai family was revealed to her when Jun Nianchen called her before.Compared to Si Zhanbei's secrecy about Bai Hai, Jun Nianchen had no scruples and told Sheng Fenghua everything he knew.

"What did you say? Are you lying to me?" Bai Feifei looked at Sheng Fenghua in shock.She was expelled from the hospital and has no military status. How is this possible?She doesn't believe it.

"Bai Feifei, do you think it's necessary for me to lie to you?" The expression on Sheng Fenghua's face remained the same as before, with a faint smile in his calmness.Her eyes were so clear that there was no trace of deception at all.

"Why?" Bai Feifei couldn't figure out why this happened.If she had known this would happen, she would never have done such a stupid thing.

Unfortunately, it's too late for her to regret it now.

"Why?" Sheng Fenghua sneered, and decided to let Bai Feifei be a fool, so he kindly explained: "Of course it's because you prescribe special medicines to patients indiscriminately."

Bai Feifei was taken aback, looking at Sheng Fenghua.How did she know that she prescribes special drugs to patients indiscriminately?

Suddenly a thought jumped into Bai Feifei's mind, shocking her, she looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Ah Cai is not dead?"

As soon as this thought appeared, Bai Feifei quickly shook his head again.

Ah Cai is not dead, how is this possible?Taking the two drugs together, she knows how overbearing the toxicity is.

If she guessed correctly, Ah Cai was already dead when he entered the pharmacy.How could Sheng Fenghua save someone?

"You really aren't stupid." Sheng Fenghua looked at Bai Feifei with a touch of admiration in his eyes.To be able to become a top student in medical school, this IQ is really high enough.

It's a pity that her character is not very good, otherwise, in ten or twenty years, she will definitely achieve something.

It's just a pity...

(End of this chapter)

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