ace warm marriage

Chapter 299 Officially put into production

Chapter 299 Officially put into production
It's better to bear with it for a while, and when the time is right, it's not too late to let her know.

Thinking of this, Jun Nianchen turned off the morning meeting and drove to Sheng Fenghua's factory by himself.

He went there once with Sheng Fenghua before, so he found a place quickly.

However, when Jun Nianchen arrived, Sheng Fenghua hadn't come yet.So, he parked the car aside, then took out the computer he carried with him, and got busy with his work.

Sheng Fenghua came a bit late, when she arrived, Jun Nianchen had already been working for a while.

When she arrived at the factory, Sheng Fenghua saw Jun Nianchen's car at a glance. Through the window for a long time, she also saw Jun Nianchen typing on the computer in the car.

So, she got out of the car, walked up to Jun Nianchen's car, and gently knocked on the window.

Hearing the movement, Jun Nianchen raised his head.When he saw Sheng Fenghua knocking on the window, a smile instantly appeared on his face, and he said, "Wait a minute."

After finishing speaking, he finished typing the last few words, turned off the computer, and opened the car door.

"Why did you come so early?" Sheng Fenghua saw that Jun Nianchen had been here for a while, and asked with a smile.

"I came here with the equipment." Jun Nianchen smiled, and then said to Sheng Fenghua: "The equipment should have been almost unloaded, let's go there."

"it is good!"

Sheng Fenghua nodded, and walked to the factory with Jun Nianchen.When I entered, the equipment had almost been unloaded and was being pulled into the factory building.

Sheng Fenghua still knew about the pharmaceutical equipment.After all, in the previous life, the pharmaceutical factory in the dark night often used these equipment to make medicine.

So, after taking a look around, these equipments are all the most advanced and imported.For this, Sheng Fenghua was still very satisfied.The equipment that Jun Nianchen sent people to transport is not only advanced, but also of high quality.

"How is it? Are you satisfied?" Jun Nianchen walked to Sheng Fenghua's side, watched her look at the equipment one by one, and asked with a smile.


"No way? I've brought you the best. In your eyes, you can only get the word 'not bad'?" Jun Nianchen said exaggeratedly, with a look towards Sheng Fenghua. Dissatisfied with the evaluation.

"Is there anything wrong with saying it's okay? You'll know if you're satisfied with it or not, right?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Jun Nianchen with a smile on his face. You can only know if these things are good or not after you use them.

Of course, she still has confidence in these devices, but she can't express too much.Otherwise, it would be bad for Jun Nianchen to doubt her.

After all, almost everyone knew the origin of her current body, it was a village girl from the countryside.If she acts as if she knows more about these devices than Jun Nianchen, it's no wonder he doesn't doubt it.

"Okay, I was defeated by you. Let's discuss this issue after you use it." Jun Nianchen looked helpless, and took Sheng Fenghua to see other equipment.

After uninstalling the equipment, Sheng Fenghua watched the installation for a while.He didn't leave until he received a call from the company.

Originally, Jun Nianchen wanted to have dinner with Sheng Fenghua, but seeing that she had something to do in the company, he had to give up.

Back at the company, Sheng Fenghua finished handling the matter, and took out the catalog and formula of the medicines that the factory had prepared to be produced before and checked them out. Then he called Feng Rui over, and told him to wait for the equipment to be installed, and then he could arrange the medicines according to the schedule. Produced.

It took three days to install the equipment and another day to test it.It was not until the fifth day that the factory began to be officially put into operation.

(End of this chapter)

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