Chapter 301
He was worried that Bai Feifei would escape from his shell.

While heading to the hospital, Si Zhanbei called Ning Ruize and asked him to help him check the prison and see how Bai Feifei suddenly fell ill.

Regarding Si Zhanbei's matter, Ning Rui has always been concerned.So, after hanging up the phone, I made a special trip to the prison and asked the prison guard what happened.

If you don't ask, you don't know. After asking, Ning Rui discovered the problem.

It turned out that Bai Feifei's sudden illness was due to a conflict with a female prisoner.

"What's the name of the female prisoner?" Ning Rui asked.

"It seems to be called Wu Yi, she is the woman you sent in Ning team last time." The prison guard said the other party's name, but Ning Ruize's face turned ugly.

It can't be such a coincidence.It turned out to be Wu Yi, the female doctor who was about to hit Sheng Fenghua with her car.

"Where is she now, I want to see her."

"Wu Yi was released on bail by her family yesterday."

"What?" Ning Ruize's expression changed. Based on his intuition of handling cases for many years, he felt that the matter was not simple.No matter how you look at it, it looks like a premeditated action.

So, he immediately called Si Zhanbei and told Si Zhanbei what he had found out, so that he could be mentally prepared. The other party probably had a plan in advance.

Si Zhanbei hung up the phone, his face darkened.His premonition has been tested, and this Bai Feifei is probably not in the hospital anymore.

However, guesses are guesses, he still has to confirm.

When he arrived at the hospital, Si Zhanbei found the director, directly showed his work card, and asked him to cooperate with his work.

"I don't know what work Comrade Si wants our hospital to cooperate with?" The dean returned the work card to Si Zhanbei and asked.

"I want to know, is there a female prisoner sent to your hospital for treatment two days ago, where is she now?"

"Yes!" The dean nodded, still having some impressions of Bai Feifei.

"Two days ago in the afternoon, a police car brought a female prisoner. She said she had a sudden illness and asked our hospital to rescue her."

"and after?"

"Later, we did not rescue him, the other party was already dead."

"Dead?" Si Zhanbei frowned, this Bai Feifei is dead, is it possible?

The other party took so much effort to get Bai Feifei here, and then sent her to the hospital, how could they let her die?
Thinking of this, Si Zhanbei looked at the dean and asked, "Where is the body, I want to go and have a look."

"The body is in the morgue and will be cremated in the afternoon."

"Take me to see."


The dean took Si Zhanbei to the morgue and found Bai Feifei's body.

When Si Zhanbei took off the white cloth covering the corpse, he saw a strange woman, not Bai Feifei at all.

"This is Bai Feifei, are you not mistaken?" Si Zhanbei was afraid of making a mistake, so he asked the dean beside him.

"That's right, the names are all hung here." The dean pointed to the name plate hanging on the side, and Bai Feifei's name was written on it.

Until then, Si Zhanbei had already confirmed that Bai Feifei was indeed Jin Chan who escaped from its shell and escaped.

So, he called Ning Ruize and asked him to check the entry and exit records to see if Bai Feifei fled under another name.

When Ning Rui checked the entry and exit records, his face was already ugly. Not only did Bai Feifei escape, but even Wu Yi and Bai Feifei went abroad together.

Such a coincidence, what is it if it is not premeditated?
Si Zhanbei had expected the result a long time ago, so he was not very angry, but was thinking about how to get Bai Hai to speak again.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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