Chapter 305
Among these gazes, there was An Ye, who Sheng Fenghua had served in his previous life.

Because of Sheng Fenghua's relationship, the medicines used to be dark night are of the best quality, and because of this they are sold all over the world.But since Sheng Fenghua was killed by them, the quality of this drug has plummeted, and it has already encountered many chargebacks from large hospitals and pharmacies.

For this reason, Ji Jinglin, the person in charge of Dark Ye Pharmaceuticals, has been looking for reasons and new partners.

When the clinical risk data of the drugs produced by Shengshi Sinopharm got out, he began to focus on Sheng Fenghua and her Shengshi Sinopharm.

But at this time, when Ji Jinglin finally found out that the quality of the medicine had declined because of a formula problem, he was already powerless.

Because the person who knew the formula had already been killed by the organization, and he finally understood that even if he and Sheng Fenghua were friends, she was still protecting him.

This truth made Ji Jinglin very sad and heartbroken for a while, he thought he treated Sheng Fenghua well and never done anything wrong to her, why she was always on guard against him.

It's all right now, once she dies, the quality of the medicine will drop, and the people above will definitely take him for granted.

Sure enough, Ji Jinglin's guess was not wrong, the matter of the medicine was soon known by the people above, and they went to talk to him.

The people above scolded Ji Jinglin first, and told him that if this situation continued, he would no longer be the person in charge.

Ji Jinglin stood and let the other party scold enough, and then he explained the reason he found out.

When the other party heard that the quality of the medicine had declined due to a problem with the formula, his face immediately turned ugly.

Damn woman, she put them together.Damn it!

At this moment, he wished he could pull Sheng Fenghua out to whip the corpse.The income from this drug is the only white income in their organization, and it is also a relatively high-profit income.

Now, once the quality of the medicine has a problem, the income has been cut by more than half.

After a while, the man gradually lost his temper, calmed down, and asked Ji Jinglin, "What countermeasures do you have?"

"Head, a pharmaceutical company has just appeared in country Z recently. I heard that the quality of the medicines they produce is better than ours before. I plan to go and have a look. If possible, I would like to cooperate with the other party."

"Did you check the background of that company?"

"I checked. The boss of that company is a woman from the countryside. She has no background. But she has a military husband."

"Is she a member of the military?"


"Since this is the case, then you should first get in touch with the other party and see the situation before talking."

"Yes, the subordinate will set off as soon as possible."

Ji Jinglin left the headquarters, returned to the pharmaceutical factory and immediately arranged the work at hand, and then booked a flight ticket to City A that night.

Sheng Fenghua didn't know about Ji Jinglin's upcoming arrival.It was rare for her to get together with Si Zhanbei, so she got off work early in the afternoon, bought a lot of vegetables, and returned to Huijing Huajing's house, planning to get some more vegetables for a good get-together.

Originally, Si Zhanbei planned to go back to the subordinate courtyard, but when he thought that he and Sheng Fenghua hadn't gone back for a long time, and had to clean up when they went back, it was tiring and time-consuming.

Therefore, he didn't mention the matter of going back to the family courtyard, thinking that he would let Sheng Fenghua go back after he went back to clean up.

As for Sheng Fenghua, he really doesn't have a good impression of the family courtyard, so of course he won't return if he can.

After dinner, the two took a walk downstairs.At this time, a plane slowly landed at the airport, and a man and a woman dressed in fashion came out.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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