Chapter 317
If it wasn't for the inaccurate information provided by the other party, she would not have made a bad start today.

The other party didn't expect Sheng Fenghua to be skilled, so he apologized besides apologizing.For this reason, Fengfeng made a request, that is, the other party should send some people to her.

She couldn't believe it anymore, Sheng Fenghua couldn't be taken down by one person, and couldn't be taken down by ten people?

The other party unconditionally accepted the request for amorous feelings.Who told her to be someone sent from above?

After receiving an affirmative reply from the other party, Feng Fenghua finally felt better, and then began to design a route, thinking about how to strike when Sheng Fenghua was alone.

However, Fengfeng didn't know that when she was thinking about plotting against Sheng Fenghua, Sheng Fenghua was also thinking about how to get rid of Fengfeng without causing trouble to her upper body.

The other party took the initiative to send her to the door, and if she didn't get rid of her, it would not be enough to relieve the hatred in her heart.

If she did it herself, it would be difficult to make the clothes seamless. It seems that she can only kill with a knife.

Thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua soon had an idea.She remembered clearly some of the cases that Fengfeng had done before.Moreover, some cases have not been closed by the police.

It seems that she has to rely on the power of the police again.

Thinking, Sheng Fenghua turned on the computer, entered a website, and after logging in, copied the photos of Fengqing and the cases she had done, and then sent them to the police, and also sent her check-in records in the hotel .

After finishing all this, Sheng Fenghua completely put aside the matter and went to work on the company's affairs.

Ji Jinglin watched Feng Feng go out early in the morning, but he didn't expect her to come back so soon, and wanted to ask her what she was doing, but after thinking about it, she felt that there was nothing to ask.

Although the two come from the same place, they have different ways and do not conspire with each other.He doesn't care what Feng Feng does, as long as it doesn't hinder him.

Thinking of this, Ji Jinglin didn't bother Feng Qing, but went out.Today, he didn't intend to go to Sheng Fenghua's company, but wanted to go around and find out about the sales of the medicines produced by Sheng Fenghua's company.

In this way, once the two sides can negotiate, he can also know the enemy.

Ji Jinglin wandered around City A all day, and only returned to the hotel in the afternoon.But when he arrived at the hotel, his expression changed.

Because he saw a police car, and there was more than one.

What's happening here?Ji Jinglin was a little puzzled, frowning and thinking.

However, he soon thought of a possibility, so his face became ugly.He actually forgot Fengqing's identity, she was different from him.Her identity is invisible.

Although Fengqing used a pseudonym when they checked in, her face did not change at all.It was normal for the police to recognize her.

Thinking of this, Ji Jinglin no longer knew what to say.He really didn't like Fengqing, but no matter what they said, they came from the same place, and he couldn't just watch Fengqing get into trouble.

So, he had no choice but to pick up his cell phone and make a call to Feng Feng.

But at this time, because Feng Feng had thought of a way to deal with Sheng Fenghua, she was listening to music and drinking red wine in the room, not knowing that the danger had come.

Even if Ji Jinglin called her, he couldn't hear her because the sound of the music covered her.

No one answered the phone for a long time, Ji Jinglin was anxious and annoyed.But he couldn't do nothing to save him, and if Feng Feng was caught, he wouldn't be able to please him either.

How to do?
 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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