ace warm marriage

Chapter 349 Passing the Exam

Chapter 349 Passing the Exam
However, what she is most concerned about now is whether she can enter the special forces, so she asked: "Zhanbei, did the chief say anything? I have passed the assessment, can I enter the special forces?"

Si Zhanbei looked at his eager little wife with a funny face, reached out and rubbed her head, and asked with a smile, "Is that why you want to join my special forces?"

"Nonsense!" Sheng Fenghua gently slapped away Si Zhanbei's troublesome hands on his head, and gave him a blank look.If it wasn't for joining his special forces, to fight alongside him, what would she be doing in the army?
"Then what will you do if the chief doesn't agree in the end?" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked again.

"Disagree? How is it possible?" Sheng Fenghua's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.The chief said that as long as she can save his old friend, she can join the special forces. Could it be that the chief can go back on his word?
"I say in case."

"Not in case."

In any case, she must enter the special forces.If the chief doesn't agree, she can only use the most stupid method, starting from the grassroots, starting from a recruit, and slowly moving towards that goal step by step.

"Okay, you won. The chief agreed." Si Zhanbei finally couldn't bear to see his little wife disappointed or anxious, and told him the answer.

Yesterday, when the chief left, he gave him permission to agree with Sheng Fenghua to join the special forces.After all, the Special Forces desperately needed a doctor.

"Ah, really, that's great!" Sheng Fenghua was happy, he opened his arms and hugged Si Zhanbei.The chief agreed, and she is now a member of the Special Forces, and she will be able to carry out missions with Si Zhanbei in the future.

The space in the car was a bit small, and Si Zhanbei was overwhelmed by the happy Sheng Fenghua.Worried that she might get hurt, he carefully protected her.

Sheng Fenghua hugged Si Zhanbei for a long time before letting him go, and then went to eat her unfinished breakfast.However, the roots of her ears were red, making Si Zhanbei a little dumbfounded.It was just hugging him, but the little wife was actually shy.

After breakfast, Si Zhanbei personally sent Sheng Fenghua back to Huijing Garden, and then went to the recruitment office to retrieve Sheng Fenghua's file.

Now that the little wife is already a member of his special forces, there is no need to be with these recruits.

The comrade in charge of recruiting saw that Si Zhanbei came to ask for Sheng Fenghua's file, and couldn't help but joked: "Oh, young commander, you finally came. I thought you were really willing to let your wife be your daughter-in-law." Where are the soldiers?"

"Why not?" Si Zhanbei raised his eyebrows and glanced at the other party.

"Since you are willing to transfer her file, what are you doing?"

"You can't control it."

"Hey, look at what you said. I'm in charge of recruiting, and she's already one of my recruits, why can't I take care of it?" The other party was not happy, and was about to talk to Si Zhanbei.

However, Si Zhanbei didn't say anything, just pulled out Sheng Fenghua's file and took it away.

"Hey, what do you mean?" The person in charge of recruiting was stunned, and looked at Si Zhanbei leaving with the file, feeling a little confused.

After a while, I heard Si Zhanbei's voice: "She has been transferred to my place."

Hearing this, the person in charge of recruiting laughed, then shook his head.Secretly said: The young commander is indeed the young commander, not only ruthless to himself, but also ruthless to his daughter-in-law.

After Sheng Fenghua slept all morning, he recovered.So, after lunch, she went directly to the company to work.

It's just that she received a call from Dean Yang before she arrived at the company.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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