ace warm marriage

Chapter 354 Disclosure

Chapter 354 Disclosure
Mr. Lu was taken aback, and stared blankly at Sheng Fenghua.Didn't expect her to say such a thing, to kill him?

What if she took his life for his life?
"Why, don't you dare?" The smile on Sheng Fenghua's face became a little stronger, but it became more and more cold.Sure enough, people are selfish, even if the other party is their own son, are they unwilling to lose their own life in exchange?
Mr. Lu was silent, this is a multiple choice question.Not to mention that he is reluctant to die, even if he is willing to die, what about his son?Even if he is detoxified, he will become a fool.How would a fool live?
Counting on his wife?No kidding, in his wife's eyes, there is only money.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Mr. Lu indifferently, not knowing what it was like.As expected, but still somewhat disappointed.

"Mr. Sheng, can I change one condition? For example, I can give you money."

"Didn't you just say that any condition is fine? Why, you changed your mind so quickly?" Sheng Fenghua sneered and looked at Mr. Lu with contempt.She hates this kind of person who can't do it, but likes to promise casually.

"That's what I said, but if I die, who will take care of my son?" Mr. Lu said as if he didn't see the contempt on Sheng Fenghua's face.

Sheng Fenghua didn't expect Mr. Lu to think so, he felt a little better in his heart, then took a deep look at him, and suddenly said: "For your words, maybe I can change the condition."

"Really?" President Lu was a little excited and looked at Sheng Fenghua.

"Tell me, who is the person who contacted you?" Sheng Fenghua said.Although she killed a romantic, she may not be the only person here in the dark night.What if there are others?Feng Feng is so dead, it is impossible for the other party not to feel it.

In case the other party was going to do something when she was not prepared, she had no idea.

"Yes! As long as you can save my son, I can tell you everything I know."

"Deal!" Sheng Fenghua looked at Mr. Lu and nodded lightly.It was not difficult for her to save his son.

"The person who contacted me was a man, a man in his 30s. That day, he came to me with a woman. But the day before yesterday, he came alone, and he asked me to make another one for him. but I didn't say yes, so he poisoned my son."

"What does a man in his 30s look like?" Sheng Fenghua asked. For some reason, she had an intuition that the man might still be an acquaintance of hers.

"He looks gentle, wears glasses, and looks easy to talk to." Mr. Lu recalled it for a while, and then said: "He is 1.7 meters tall and looks a little thin. He looks like a scholar."

Hearing this, Sheng Fenghua already knew who the other party was.Are you really an acquaintance?
Feng Mian, the person who directly caused Qingfeng to hate her, wanted to get rid of her and then quickly, and Fengfeng liked her but loved her, and once confessed to her.

No wonder Mr. Lu's son was poisoned by neurotoxin. She suddenly remembered that once when she was doing an experiment, Feng Mian seemed to come to find her to get the medicine, and then stayed there for a long time.At that point, he probably took her neurotoxin.

Because, later, she found that the toxin was less, and thought it was volatilized.

"How did he poison your son?" Sheng Fenghua withdrew his thoughts and asked.

"Drink, he gave my son a bottle of drink." Mr. Lu said with a look of regret.

(End of this chapter)

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