Chapter 363

Although it was night, Ah Cai's eyesight was good, and he even remembered the other person's figure and appearance.

"I know, he is the person in charge." Sheng Fenghua nodded.

"What? He's the person in charge?" Ah Cai was startled, looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked curiously, "Doctor Sheng, how did you know?"

"Because I know him." Sheng Fenghua smiled and didn't intend to say more.

"Know?" Ah Cai was startled again, and then looked at Sheng Fenghua who didn't want to say more, and didn't ask any more questions, and started to brainstorm by himself.

Si Zhanbei sent Ah Cai back to the factory, Sheng Fenghua explained a few words to Ah Cai, and the two left.

At this time, in a small hotel in the city, Feng Mian opened a room, and didn't take a shower, and lay on the bed with his clothes on, his eyes were staring at the ceiling, a little absent-minded.

The face of the woman he hid in his heart gradually became clear, she was so beautiful, she was like a goddess in his heart.

Even though he was rejected when he confessed to her, he still loved her, deeply in love with her.For this reason, he refused to strike up a conversation or flirt with an unknown number of women.

He felt that as long as he persisted, one day the goddess would see his goodness, see his sincerity, and agree to his pursuit.

But he didn't want to, he went on a mission half a year ago, and when he came back, he heard that she had died.

This news stunned him.

He didn't believe it and wanted to investigate, but the people above threatened him, warned him, and even her best friend Feng Feng advised him not to pursue it.

For this reason, he could only investigate secretly, but there was no progress in the past six months, and he didn't even know who her enemy was, let alone revenge.

But tonight, that woman, that woman with the same name as hers, felt too strange to him.

Obviously not a person, obviously not a face, but why does he feel that the other party is very familiar?As if she was her.

But she is obviously not her.

what on earth is this kind of happenings?
Feng Mian was entangled, puzzled, thinking of the familiar figure flashing by, but couldn't fall asleep anyway, so she just opened her eyes until dawn.

The next morning, he got up early, and after a brief wash and grooming, he called his companions and told them that he had something to do in the past few days, and told them not to come to him for the time being.

He wanted to find out why the woman he met last night had exactly the same name as the one in his mind, and it also gave him a sense of familiarity.

If she is her, or has a relationship with her, then he must protect her, and no one can hurt her again.

Sheng Fenghua didn't know what Fengmian was thinking.

Yesterday, she let Feng Mian go, not to say that she can be magnanimous to not care about the burning of the factory, but that she is ready to wait for Feng Mian to throw herself into the net.

She knew Feng Mian well, knowing that after he got the news of his death, he would definitely investigate.She also understands the organization, and knows that the organization will definitely stop Fengmian.

This is also the reason why she went down to block Fengmian yesterday. She wanted to attract Fengmian's attention, make him suspicious of her, and thus do things against the wishes of the organization.

Sheng Fenghua thought about it, it would be more difficult to break through the Dark Night Organization from the outside, so she counted as starting from the inside of the opponent.And Fengmian was her first target.

She wants to use Feng Mian's feelings for her to stand on her side.

After Sheng Fenghua had breakfast, he went directly to the factory.

The factory building was burned, and she gave the factory employees a day off, while she took the company's executives to deal with the follow-up matters.

(End of this chapter)

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