ace warm marriage

Chapter 404 Discovered by the enemy

Chapter 404 Discovered by the enemy
At this time, in the private house.After the old cat and others had eaten, they all went to rest.We walked the mountain road for an afternoon this afternoon, and everyone was quite tired.

Moreover, they had discussed it and decided to set off for the border in the middle of the night.Although it is inconvenient to walk the mountain road at night, it is also relatively safe.

Otherwise, when the day comes, those border policemen will come out to patrol, and it will be difficult for them to go out.

And they also chose the route, go directly from the back mountain of the house, and climb a few mountains to arrive.In this way, you can also avoid those visiting eyes in today's small town.

Lao Mao and the others only knew that the Black Panther commandos of the armed police were chasing them, but they didn't know that the military was also dispatched.Therefore, since Si Zhanbei and the others were not confirmed, they became suspicious.

After all, it was a coincidence that they arrived, not early or late, but this time has arrived.Even if they dress up like businessmen, they still dare not be careless.

In order to get up and hurry at night, Lao Mao and others soon fell asleep.

Of course, the sentinels outside the houses were not so comfortable.They are keeping in the dark, in case of accidents.

Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei probably knew the location of the secret post because they came here during the day.So, the task of solving the sentinels fell on them.

The two stepped forward, dealt with the person in the dark, and made a safe gesture.

Seeing the gesture, Hu Dongyang led his men and immediately climbed in from the wall.

However, no one thought that there was something buried under the wall in the courtyard of the private house.

The person who climbed over the wall first was stabbed, and then fell to the ground because of his instability.

As soon as he fell like this, there was a commotion, and the sleeping people in the room quickly became alert, so they shouted: "No, there is a situation!"

As soon as the shout came out, the people in the room who were sleeping soundly got up one by one, and then got dressed in the dark.

After putting on their clothes, some of them rushed outside with weapons, and some of them quickly carried their backpacks and headed back to the mountain.

The Black Panther commando ambushing in the back mountain immediately became vigilant after hearing the movement, waiting for the target to appear.

Soon, Si Zhanbei's team exchanged fire with the enemy, fighting fiercely in the yard.The enemy's weapons were sophisticated and their firepower was fierce. For a while, Si Zhanbei and the others couldn't break through the line of defense.

While those criminals took advantage of someone blocking Si Zhanbei's party, they quickly went up the mountain, ready to go to the border.

Led by the person who responded, a group of people walked up the mountain.

When he got to the middle of the mountain, he stopped, and then came to a big tree, removed the camouflage outside, and revealed a big hole.

"This is?" The old cat looked at the actions of the respondent and asked in confusion.

"Don't ask so many questions, go down quickly." The responder replied, and then let the old cat lead the person down, while he and the other person stood by and watched.

The old cat was stunned when he entered the cave with his men.What kind of cave is this? It's just a tunnel.

Obviously, this is a tunnel leading to the outside.Moreover, it is often used, and even electric lights are installed, illuminating the entire tunnel that is not too spacious.

"Oh my god, this is actually authentic." The knife boy looked at the road in front of him in surprise, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go." The old cat was surprised, but he didn't forget what they were doing now.So after a word of urging, he carried his things on his back and walked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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