Chapter 407
It took only ten minutes for Si Zhanbei and his party to complete the half-hour journey.

At this time, Panther and others began to descend the mountain.From a distance, they saw the flames on the opposite mountain, couldn't help being overjoyed, and accelerated their speed again.

After going down the mountain, looking at the fire that was going further and further away, the panther decided not to take the main road, but went directly through the forest.Because only in this way, they can rush to intercept the target ahead of the opponent.

The Black Panther and his party stopped, took out the map and started looking for the route.

After confirming the route, they hurried on again.The night was very dark, and they were walking in the mountains and forests, which became more and more difficult to walk.Fortunately, they all brought flashlights, otherwise they wouldn't even be able to see the road clearly.

When the black panther led the men to take a shortcut, Si Zhanbei and the others just came out of the tunnel and saw the flames in the distance, so they didn't even rest, and trotted to catch up again.

Their pursuit was soon discovered by Lao Mao and his party.The responders made a decisive decision, and while making some of the accompanying people stop to stop Si Zhanbei and the others, they led Lao Mao and the others to speed up their pace.

So, when Si Zhanbei and the others were about to approach the group, gunshots rang in their ears.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, Si Zhanbei said badly to himself, and immediately pulled Sheng Fenghua towards the big tree on the side of the road.

Having escaped a round of gunfire, the members of the Wolf Warriors team immediately counterattacked.As a result, for a while, gunshots continued in the mountains and forests.

While firing his gun, Si Zhanbei watched the target go away, his expression turned ugly, and he said to the deputy captain Qin Feng: "Qin Feng, you bring people here to deal with the enemy, I will go after them."

"Okay, be careful yourself." Qin Feng agreed, and then told the people around him: "Fire cover."

Under the cover of the firepower of Qin Feng and his comrades, Si Zhanbei led Sheng Fenghua, Hu Dongyang and the others, immediately bypassed the enemy's firepower, and chased Lao Mao and the others.

Qin Feng saw that Si Zhanbei and others successfully avoided the enemy, and after chasing the target, he immediately said: "Hit, hit me hard."

Following his order, the soldiers fired more and more fiercely, directly suppressing the enemy.

Moreover, the enemy has already killed and injured several people under the strong fire attack.

Seeing that if the fight continues, the little life will be gone, and Lao Mao and the others have already gone far, and the rest of the people will stop fighting, put away their weapons, one word, and run.

As soon as the enemy's firepower stopped, Qin Feng knew that the enemy was going to run away, so he said: "Chasing!"

The soldiers chased the enemy while shooting.There are not many enemies left, and they are decreasing one by one under the pursuit of Qin Feng and others.

Soon, those enemies who were responsible for stopping were wiped out.Qin Feng and the others didn't stay any longer, and accelerated towards Si Zhanbei and the others.

Besides, Si Zhanbei and his party, after bypassing the enemy's firepower, returned to the main road to chase the old cat and his party in front of them.

Seeing that the hired people did not block Si Zhanbei and his party, the responders could only urge everyone to run, while turning around and shooting at Si Zhanbei and others from time to time.

Because the target person was carrying cultural relics on his back, Si Zhanbei and the others didn't dare to shoot at all, they could only hide and chase all the way.

At first, Lao Mao and the others were also worried that Si Zhanbei and the others would attack them, so they were very careful.But as time went by, watching them keep not shooting, it quickly became clear what the problem was.

So, they got bolder, deliberately exposed the back basket, and then ran forward quickly without firing their guns.

(End of this chapter)

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