Chapter 417
The team members of Wolf Warriors shook their heads looking at the so-called buyers and his men who were frightened by the gunshots.Thinking of the other party's arrogance before, I couldn't laugh or cry.

"Tie them all up to me." Qin Feng glanced at them and ordered.Since these people hit the gun, let's arrest them together.

However, Qin Feng at this time never expected that these people would give them a fatal blow.

The soldiers stepped forward and tied up those people.At the beginning, some people were not happy.But under the hint of the middle-aged man, he still obediently let him go.

The number of the Special Forces and the Black Panthers is not much, and the two teams add up to only a dozen or so people.

Originally, these people were betting on more than a dozen targets and thugs, which was fairly balanced.But now, with the addition of more than a dozen people, the number of the two teams seems to be less.

Of course, Qin Feng and Hei Bao were not worried. They didn't pay attention to these people who were arrested later.

In their view, these people are at most just bastards on the border, and they will not be real buyers at all, so they don't take it to heart.

At this time, they only wanted to reach the border detachment as soon as possible, waiting for the arrival of the plane.Only when the target person and cultural relics are handed over to the country, their mission will be considered completed.

The buyer and his subordinates were escorted forward, but they deliberately slowed down and dawdled.

Originally, the 10-minute journey took them 10 minutes.At this time, they are still 10 minutes away from the border detachment.

Of course, if their speed is fast enough, they can reach it in ten minutes.

But during the ten-minute journey, something happened.

At the beginning, it was the so-called buyer, that is, the middle-aged man who spoke very arrogantly before, but in the end he was too cowardly, suddenly pretended to have a stomachache, and then squatted on the ground and did not leave.

Once he didn't leave, all his subordinates also stopped, unwilling to move.

Qin Feng and Heibao frowned as they looked at the middle-aged man squatting on the ground.They suddenly felt that these people seemed to be a problem.

Because of these people, not only did they not reach the border detachment as scheduled, but now they have delayed their trip again.

Thinking of this, the faces of the two of them were very bad, and they regretted bringing these people along.If they had known this earlier, they should have killed them directly.

It's a pity that these people didn't shoot, and they surrendered voluntarily. They couldn't just kill the prisoners casually.Even if things start over again, they will bring these people with them.

"What should I do?" Hei Bao asked Qin Feng with a look.Right now, the middle-aged man doesn't know whether it's a real stomachache or a fake.

If it's true, they can't ignore it.But if it was fake, what was his intention in doing so?
At this time, Qin Feng suddenly thought of Sheng Fenghua.It would be nice if she was here.Sheng Fenghua is a doctor. If this middle-aged man has a real stomachache or a fake one, he will be able to tell with a checkup.

"How about this, you take the people away first, I will take some people to stay, and watch what the hell they are doing?" Qin Feng thought for a while and said.

"That's the only way to go." Black Panther thought for a while and nodded.Now they can't afford to delay, who knows if there are still people watching these cultural relics secretly, they can't stand another confrontation now.

Because they are running out of bullets.

 eight more.

(End of this chapter)

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