Chapter 420
"They?" Si Zhanbei pointed to the people who were obviously a little bit wrong because of the spray sprayed by Sheng Fenghua, and asked, "Are they going to be okay?"

"Don't worry, they won't die." Sheng Fenghua said.Now that their manpower is limited, there is no time to waste here.

What's more, these people were tied up, and she gave them some good stuff, which could make them suffer for two or three hours.

Don't they like to pretend to be sick?Then make them sick enough.She can guarantee that they will never pretend to be sick again.

"Let's go!" Si Zhanbei still believed Sheng Fenghua's words.He greeted Hu Dongyang and others, and ran forward.

Before leaving, Hu Dongyang kicked the middle-aged man a few times.These people are simply too hateful.

Ahead, not far from the border detachment, there was a fierce exchange of fire.As soon as the gunshot rang out, people from the border defense detachment received the news and immediately sent people to check the situation.

Coupled with the strength of a platoon that has not shown up in secret before, the number of people is quite a lot.But the number of people is not enough, because the opponent's weapons are too powerful.

In their hands, not only guns, but also cannons.

One shot, one piece of damage.Don't talk about people, the whole mountain forest was blown up badly.Apart from dodging, the Panthers and the others had no way of engaging each other head-on.

In addition, they have to protect those cultural relics, so they are even more tied up.

On the other hand, the opponent seemed to have no scruples at all, and he could bomb wherever he wanted.Sheng Fenghua, who was running forward to support, stopped abruptly when he heard the sound of the cannon, and his face became weird.

She stopped so unexpectedly that Hu Dongyang, who was running behind her, almost bumped into her.Fortunately, Hu Dongyang reacted quickly and avoided it for a while.

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter with you?" After avoiding it, Hu Dongyang looked at Sheng Fenghua with a puzzled expression, not understanding how she was doing well, so he stopped.

At this time, the opponent even used the cannon, and someone would definitely be injured. They should rush over as soon as possible, why did they stop.

Running ahead, Si Zhanbei also noticed the movement behind him, turned his head to look at Sheng Fenghua, and asked, "Daughter-in-law, what happened?"

"It's okay!" Sheng Fenghua shook his head, hoping that she heard it wrong.This modified cannon may have been sold to others by the organization.

Sheng Fenghua thought, and ran again.

At this time, the scene of the shelling was already a mess.Black Panther and the others were ashamed by the cannon, like a little cat.Even if their faces were not painted, others would not recognize them.

"Grandma's bear, they actually used cannons." Someone cursed, which made everyone very angry.If it wasn't for the opponent's guns, they wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"See how they are doing?" The Panther is most concerned about the targets and cultural relics. If these things have been bombarded, then they will really look good this time.

Hearing what the panther said, everyone immediately turned to look for Lao Mao and the others.Fortunately, the situation of the old cats is much better than theirs.Those backpacks are fine too.

It seems that the other party is specifically targeting them and bombarding them.

Seeing that the old cat and the relics were fine, the black panther felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.But he didn't know, he was relieved too early.

It's true that the old cats are fine, but they are not fuel-efficient lamps.Especially now that the helpers are here, their desperate hearts are ready to move again.

 Eleven more.

(End of this chapter)

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