ace warm marriage

Chapter 427 Intending to Rob

Chapter 427 Intending to Rob
Watching the other party's back disappear, Sheng Fenghua regained his composure, quickened his pace, and walked towards the hotel.

She didn't expect that person to come in person. It seems that the employer is a big buyer this time.

When Sheng Fenghua returned to the hotel, he saw Si Zhanbei standing at the door waiting for her.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua's figure, Si Zhanbei showed a faint smile on his face, and then went forward.

"Daughter-in-law, you are back!"

Sheng Fenghua nodded with a smile, and then asked Si Zhanbei, "Why didn't you rest? Didn't you say you don't have to wait for me?"

"I'm not sleepy!" Si Zhanbei replied with a smile, but Sheng Fenghua knew that it wasn't that he wasn't sleepy at all, but that he was just worried about her.

"Let's go, go back to sleep first, those people will leave in a while. We'll go find them at night." Sheng Fenghua said, holding Si Zhanbei's hand, and entered the hotel.

Hearing what Sheng Fenghua said, Si Zhanbei didn't ask anything, but rested with her.

When I woke up, it was already noon.The two got out of bed and went to lunch together.

When he came to the dining place, seeing Qin Feng and others were there, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help laughing, and said, "You are all here, have you eaten yet?"

"No, sister-in-law, we are waiting for you." Hu Dongyang took the lead to answer the conversation, then took a look at Sheng Fenghua, and said, "Sister-in-law, you look very good-looking."

After hearing Hu Dongyang's words, Si Zhanbei gave him a hard look.

It has to be said that Sheng Fenghua's attire today is indeed different from her usual one. She is dressed in a tight black leather jacket, with a hint of wildness in her enchanting way.

After receiving Si Zhanbei's eye knife, Hu Dongyang obediently withdrew his eyes and closed his mouth.At this time, the food also came up.

After a quick lunch, they went to the room where Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua lived.

Entering the room, Qin Feng spoke first, and asked, "Sister-in-law, have you heard the news? When are we going to act?"

"I have already inquired. The other party is expected to leave tomorrow. So, tonight, we must grab the things back."

"Grab it? How to grab it? We are empty-handed now, without any weapons."

"What's the hurry, didn't I say before, there are no guns or cannons, the enemy built them for us." Sheng Fenghua gave Hu Dongyang a white look, and said with a smile.

"Sister-in-law, stop joking." Hu Dongyang looked at Sheng Fenghua and said solemnly.Now they are on someone else's territory, and they have to wait for the enemy to deliver things to their door. This is a big joke.

"I'm not joking." Sheng Fenghua put away his smile and said seriously.They don't have weapons now, but they can grab them.

If it is better than weapons, the enemy's weapons must be better than theirs.Otherwise, the special forces and commandos would not have been beaten so embarrassingly.

"Sister-in-law, are you really not joking?" Hu Dongyang looked at Sheng Fenghua suspiciously.At first, he thought she was joking.But now it seems that she was not joking.

Could it be that they are really going to grab guns and cannons from the enemy?

"No! I never joke about this kind of thing." Sheng Fenghua said with a straight face. In fact, she can also go to the black market to buy guns and cannons.However, things on the black market are more expensive.So, after much deliberation, she thought it would be better to grab it.

Of course, if you want to grab it, you have to have a method and ability.Otherwise, you can only die.

Fortunately, she has done a lot of things like this, so it's not a problem.

 Fifth watch!Sorry, I'm late today, I'm sorry dears.

(End of this chapter)

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