ace warm marriage

Chapter 429 Detecting the Enemy Camp at Night

Chapter 429 Detecting the Enemy Camp at Night
"Let's stay together." Si Zhanbei said, and everyone stood up and followed Sheng Fenghua to find the hotel owner.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua and others coming out, the hotel owner smiled all over his face and led them to his warehouse.

There are several boxes in the warehouse, which are well sealed, and it seems that they have not been opened yet.

"This is what you want! Check it out." The boss pointed to the box and said.

As soon as the boss finished speaking, Hu Dongyang stepped forward to remove the seal of the box and opened the box.When the box was opened, eight light machine guns and eight submachine guns were revealed.

When Hu Dongyang opened the box, Sheng Fenghua pointed to another smaller rectangular box, and said to Gangzi: "Gangzi, that is yours, open it and see if it is easy to use."

Gangzi was overjoyed, walked to the box Sheng Fenghua was pointing at, and opened it.Sure enough, it was a sniper rifle, but there was no brand name, which made him a little puzzled.

Sheng Fenghua seemed to know what Gangzi was thinking, and said, "These things have all been modified."

Gangzi nodded, and then started to assemble it.After a while, a sniper rifle was loaded. Gangzi tried it out and felt pretty good, so he nodded towards Sheng Fenghua.

There are four boxes in total, including guns and ammunition.

After the inspection, Sheng Fenghua thanked the boss, then took out a card from somewhere and paid the money.

As for how much they paid, no one knew, and Sheng Fenghua didn't say anything either.

After paying the money, Si Zhanbei asked everyone to put away the weapons and carried them to the room where they lived.

The afternoon passed quickly, and after dinner, the group rested for a while until it was dark before setting off for the address given by the old man.

It was a small three-story villa, and it looked as if no one lived there from a distance.But when he got closer, he could find that the villa was heavily guarded.

In the villa, except for the night watchman, everyone else was resting.

But some of them couldn't sleep at all, such as Lao Mao and Hua Qiang.

The old cat can't sleep because they can get the money and leave tomorrow.With this money, even if he doesn't do anything, it is enough to spend his whole life.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little excited.But at the same time as he was excited, a sense of uneasiness arose in his heart.

In fact, this kind of anxiety has existed since he escaped from the hands of the black panthers.I thought I could deliver the goods today and take the money and leave.But I didn't want to, there was some problem with the payment over there, so I had to wait another day.

However, Huaqiang's inability to sleep was caused by a different reason from that of the old cat.He was worried about Sheng Fenghua, when he met a few people in An Ye today, he mentioned Sheng Fenghua intentionally or unintentionally, but the other party looked very taboo.This made him unbearably suspicious of Sheng Fenghua's death.

Before, after learning of her death, he really thought she died on a mission.But now, he suddenly became suspicious.

If she died on a mission, shouldn't her former colleagues, or comrades-in-arms, feel sorry for her?How come it looks like a taboo?
Also, is that female soldier really her?

Huaqiang thought about these questions, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

At this time, Sheng Fenghua had brought Si Zhanbei and others close to the villa.

After arriving outside the villa, Si Zhanbei observed the enemy's guard situation, pointed to the positions of several secret sentries, and made several gestures to his comrades.

 seven more.That's all for today, good night folks.Tomorrow, I will naturally write as much as possible to see if I can make up what I owe today.

(End of this chapter)

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