ace warm marriage

Chapter 434 Falling into the enemy's hands

Chapter 434 Falling into the enemy's hands
After fighting against Qin Feng and others, this man let people find out who his opponent was, and knew that it was his old opponent, the Wolf Warriors.

Just now, when the old cat screamed, he was also woken up.Suspicion arose when the men reported that the windows had been opened, but nothing was found.

He felt that the window would not open for no reason, someone must have come.It's just that the other party's hiding skills are better, so they didn't find it.

For this reason, he deliberately came to this road to wait.

He originally thought that it would be the captain of Wolf Warriors, the man code-named Young Commander.But unexpectedly, he saw a woman.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the man, and while being on guard, he opened his mouth and said, "Does this have anything to do with you?"

"It didn't matter at first, but now you take what I have, but it does matter." The man looked at Sheng Fenghua coldly, and the murderous intent emerged from him again.

He wouldn't think that Sheng Fenghua was just going to scare the old cat. She must have come here for those cultural relics.

However, to his surprise, she only came alone, and there was no helper. Where did those cultural relics go?

"Took your things? Where's the evidence?" Sheng Fenghua also sneered, but she didn't have anything in her hand, even if the other party wanted to search, she couldn't find it.

"Evidence?" The man sneered and said, "When I catch you, the evidence will naturally be there."

"Catch me? This depends on whether you have the ability." Sheng Fenghua curled his lips and looked at the man opposite.His name is An Chen, and he is An Ye's second in command.He will not easily send out missions, unless there are some huge orders.

"You will see." Anchen said a word lightly, then stretched out his big hand, and grabbed Sheng Fenghua.

Seeing the other party's outstretched hand, Sheng Fenghua's face darkened, and while avoiding it, Sheng Fenghua had an extra military stab in his hand.

She waved her military thorn and stabbed at the dark minister.

The dark minister watched Sheng Fenghua dodge, but at the same time he was able to move towards him, he couldn't help being a little surprised, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said: "No wonder the tone is loud, there are two tricks."

Sheng Fenghua didn't speak, and kept stabbing at the dark minister with the military stab in his hand.In her previous life, she was no match for the secret minister, let alone now.

Therefore, she must find a way to escape as soon as possible, otherwise she will be in trouble if she is really caught by the secret minister.

Sheng Fenghua was thinking while looking for a chance to escape.

The secret minister seemed to know what she was thinking, and said calmly: "Woman, if you fall into my hands, don't try to escape. Unless you beat me, otherwise, you'd better behave yourself."

Sheng Fenghua's expression was a little ugly, she knew that what the minister said was the truth.

In her previous life, she had two people in the organization that she was afraid of, one was Anhuang, the leader of Anye, and the other was this dark minister.Both of them were very deep, and it was impossible to see what was going on in their hearts.Moreover, the skills of the two are also a mystery, there are so many people in the organization, no one can beat them.

It's absolutely impossible to let her be caught without a fight like this.

Sheng Fenghua kept making moves and moves, but the secret ministers could easily resolve them.Even if she had a military thorn in her hand, it seemed useless against the dark minister.

She stabbed the dark minister countless times, but none of them hit him.This made Sheng Fenghua very annoyed, and once again felt that his skills were scum.

After a while, Sheng Fenghua fell into the hands of the dark minister and was caught by him.

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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