ace warm marriage

Chapter 445 Fierce confrontation

Chapter 445 Fierce confrontation

"Find a way to stop them." Si Zhanbei glanced at Sheng Fenghua's side and said.


Hu Dongyang responded, and then ran forward quickly.

After coming to a relatively high hillside, he set up his gun and fired at the enemy.

A burst of wild shots did not stop the enemy from advancing.The enemy quickly organized a counterattack, restraining Hu Dongyang.

As for the others, they still came towards Si Zhanbei and the others.

Qin Feng saw that Hu Dongyang failed to stop all the enemies, glanced at Si Zhanbei, gestured to him, and ran to the other side.

At this time, Gangzi, who was chasing the poisonous snake on the mountain, stopped when he heard the gunshot, and then looked towards the valley.

When he saw that the enemy was walking towards Si Zhanbei and the others, he had to temporarily give up chasing the poisonous snake, and then began to snipe the enemy.

The gunshot rang out, An Chen watched his men fall, his face was ugly, and he looked up towards the mountain.There is actually a sniper on this mountain, where is the poisonous snake?

Shouldn't the person sniping in the dark be a poisonous snake?How could it be an enemy?

While thinking, An Chen quickened his pace and headed towards Si Zhanbei and the others.This time, his target was Sheng Fenghua.

He wanted to catch Sheng Fenghua and know the whereabouts of those things.

Early this morning, the old cat woke up and found that all the cultural relics were gone, and he was terrified.He couldn't help thinking of what happened that night, so he immediately told the secret minister's subordinates.

Hearing that the cultural relics were lost, the first person An Chen thought of was Sheng Fenghua.

It's just that when he fought against Sheng Fenghua last night, he didn't see her with a companion, nor did he see her carrying cultural relics with him, so he felt that the things might still be left in the villa.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked his men to search around the villa.But they almost turned the whole villa upside down, but they still couldn't find anything.

Later, the secret minister felt that Sheng Fenghua probably hid his things, and it was not far from the villa.

So, people searched nearby again, but unfortunately, they still didn't find anything.

Unable to find anything, An Chen was so angry that he had to rush here with his men.He knew that Si Zhanbei would definitely come to rescue his comrades.

He wanted to stop Sheng Fenghua and learn the whereabouts of the cultural relics from her mouth.

Seeing that the dark minister was coming towards him, Si Zhanbei quickly took out his pistol and shot at him.Now, Chen Song's wound hadn't been bandaged yet, so he had to make sure that before that, the enemy would not be able to get close to Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua carried out the movements in an orderly manner, and the gunshots beside her ears did not affect her at all.

After dressing Chen Song's wound, Sheng Fenghua finally used that special method to wake up all three of them.

Although this method will have some sequelae, compared with life, the sequelae that can disappear in a month or two are nothing at all.

As soon as the three foxes woke up, they heard gunshots. They were a little dazed, and they were dazed for a few seconds before they came back to their senses.

"Don't be dazed, the enemy is coming, life-saving is the most important thing!" Sheng Fenghua glanced at the people who were dazed, then threw them a few guns, took a pistol, and swept wildly at the enemy.

Sheng Fenghua's joining made the enemy fearful.Especially the secret minister, in order to get the whereabouts of the cultural relics from Sheng Fenghua's mouth, he deliberately prevented his subordinates from hurting Sheng Fenghua.

Sensing the change in the enemy's attitude towards him, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.I thought to myself, what's going on?

 After the eighth shift, we will continue tomorrow. Good night, dear friends!

(End of this chapter)

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