ace warm marriage

Chapter 450 Please enter the urn

Chapter 450 Please enter the urn
"Young Commander, are you going to interrogate these people, or let the Black Panthers interrogate them?" The border guard asked with a smile when they saw Si Zhanbei.

"Let's come." Si Zhanbei said as he entered the interrogation room.

After he finished interrogating Lao Mao and the others, the plane sent from above also arrived.After everyone sent the still-awakened Panther and the other wounded to the plane, they also escorted Lao Mao and the others, and finally Sheng Fenghua and the others boarded the plane together.

Not long after their plane left, An Chen took some of his men across the border, and they were heading towards the border detachment.

The dark minister was very angry, because he spread such a big net, not only failed to catch Sheng Fenghua, but also let Lao Mao and others run away, how could he not be angry?

Before, he guessed that Sheng Fenghua might have kept those things near the villa, so he expected that she would go back and get them.

Unexpectedly, not only did they not go back, but they even went back to China directly across the border.This made him a little puzzled.Don't they want those cultural relics anymore?

Until later, the subordinates sent a message that Lao Mao and others had also escaped.Only then did he realize that his previous guess might be wrong.That night, Sheng Fenghua might have a companion.And those cultural relics may have been sent back to China by her accomplices first.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why they suddenly returned to China.

As a person on the road, the secret minister knew that when Hua Guo's soldiers were carrying out their missions, it was impossible for them to give up halfway.Unless their tasks have been completed, they will not return to their lives.

After figuring this out, Anchen led his men and rushed towards the border.I want to grab the things back before they go back to return.

However, when the secret ministers rushed to the border detachment to inquire, they found out that Zhan Lang and the others had already left and returned to Y City.

After getting the news, the dark minister thought about it and decided to take another risk.After all, this transaction is of great importance to them.

If this deal goes awry, life after dark will be difficult.

The secret minister hurriedly left the border detachment with his people, not knowing that after they left, the people in the detachment passed the news to Si Zhanbei and his party.

On the plane, Sheng Fenghua watched Si Zhanbei turn off the communication equipment, and asked with a smile, "They really came after them?"

"Yeah, forget about the daughter-in-law who is about to become a god, and you expected it again. The people in the detachment told me that the secret ministers went to inquire about the situation, and after learning that we left, they had already headed towards the city."

"Come to the city?" Sheng Fenghua was a little surprised, he didn't expect the secret minister to chase him to the city.It seems that this transaction has a great impact on them.Otherwise, he wouldn't take the risk.

"That's right!" Si Zhanbei nodded, the border guards would not lie to them.

"It seems that we are going to treat them well." Sheng Fenghua curled his lips into a smile, and prepared to cook a big meal for the dark minister, so that he could also taste the feeling of being beaten.

"What's your daughter-in-law thinking?" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked with a smile.He and Sheng Fenghua's thoughts coincided with each other.Since the other party dared to come to their territory, how could they allow the other party to behave wildly?
"How about we invite you into the urn?" Sheng Fenghua asked with a smile, she already had a rough plan in her mind.

"How to say?" Si Zhanbei looked interested.Even Qin Feng and Hu Dongyang also cast their eyes on Sheng Fenghua, wanting to hear what she plans to do.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at everyone, smiled mysteriously, and then whispered into Si Zhanbei's ear.

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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