ace warm marriage

Chapter 458 Strange Woman

Chapter 458 Strange Woman

It was a woman, and she should look like a woman with a relatively superior life.But at this moment, the woman's eyes were empty, and her face was full of despair.

What's going on here?
Sheng Fenghua guessed, his eyes kept falling on the other party.

Si Zhanbei was talking to Sheng Fenghua, seeing her absent-minded look, he couldn't help shouting: "Daughter-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine!" Sheng Fenghua came back to his senses, glanced at Si Zhanbei, and shook his head.She felt that it was better for her not to meddle in other people's business, so as not to cause trouble to her upper body.

"You were in a daze just now, I thought what's wrong with you?" Si Zhanbei breathed a sigh of relief, reached out and touched Sheng Fenghua's hand, feeling a little chilly, so he asked, "Is it cold, do you want to go back?"

"It's really cold, let's go back." Sheng Fenghua nodded, and then went back to the villa with Si Zhanbei.

As for the woman he saw just now, although he was a little worried, Sheng Fenghua still didn't stop in the end.

Back home, it was already dark, Sheng Fenghua went into the kitchen to prepare dinner, and Si Zhanbei was also helping.

While cutting the vegetables, she looked up and saw the woman from before through the kitchen window.This time, she was sitting on the beach with a faceless look.

This kind of her doesn't match her attire at all.

For some reason, Sheng Fenghua looked at the other party, and couldn't help guessing in his mind.What happened to her, and why did it happen?

Thinking about it, she couldn't help being lost again, and almost cut her finger.

Si Zhanbei, who was choosing vegetables at the side, looked at her with a worried face, stood up, reached out and touched her forehead, and asked again: "Daughter-in-law, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, what's the matter?" Sheng Fenghua looked up at Si Zhanbei and asked with a puzzled expression.She is fine now, what can happen?
"You're fine, why are you always absent-minded? It was like this on the beach before, and it's like this again now. You almost got your hand just now. Are you too tired? Do you want me to cut it?" Si Zhanbei said while asking He reached out to take the kitchen knife in Sheng Fenghua's hand.

"No, I'm really fine. But I'm a little dazed to see others watching." Sheng Fenghua shook his head, then pointed out the window, and said, "Did you see that woman? It's me who has lost my mind several times in a row." s reason."

Si Zhanbei looked in the direction of Sheng Fenghua's finger, and immediately saw the woman sitting on the sand who didn't know what to think.

He couldn't see the other person's front, he could only see her back, and she looked like a woman with taste in her clothes.

I just don't know why, Si Zhanbei always feels that this woman's back looks familiar, but he can't remember where he saw it.

I guess I remembered it wrong.

While thinking about it, Si Zhanbei took his eyes back and said, "What does she want to see? Could it be that you know her?"

"I don't know." Sheng Fenghua shook his head, then cast his gaze out of the window again, and said, "I always feel that something is wrong with this woman."

"What could be the matter? Don't think too much. And even if there is something, it has nothing to do with us, does it?" Si Zhanbei touched Sheng Fenghua's head, then pointed to the kitchen knife, and urged: "Concentrate , don’t cut it.”

Although Sheng Fenghua was worried about that woman, thinking about Si Zhanbei's words, he felt that it made sense.The other party is just a stranger, even if something happens, it doesn't have much to do with them.

With this in mind, Sheng Fenghua concentrated on chopping the vegetables.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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