ace warm marriage

Chapter 460 First Aid

Chapter 460 First Aid
At this time, someone also called 120.

Sheng Fenghua kept moving, again and again, until the woman's breathing recovered, and then she was relieved.

The ambulance arrived, and the nurse's voice reached everyone's ears: "Where is the patient?"

"There, this girl has already brought her back to life." Someone in the crowd pointed at Sheng Fenghua.The nurse nodded towards Sheng Fenghua, then walked up to the lying woman.Although she was still unconscious, her breathing was already steady.It can be seen that the woman is no longer in danger of getting sick.

Seeing that the nurse came and the woman was fine, Sheng Fenghua was about to leave.

However, just as she took a step, the woman lying on the ground suddenly opened her eyes, and then reached out to grab her trousers.

Sheng Fenghua was taken aback, looked at the woman, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Don't go!" The woman looked at Sheng Fenghua with a weak voice.

At this time, the nurse bent down and said to the woman: "Ma'am, I am a nurse. We will take you to the hospital. You still need to be checked. Please release this girl's feet and let her go. For Help, are her and this gentleman's clothes still wet?"

"I don't want to go to the hospital." The woman shook her head and pulled Sheng Fenghua's trousers tighter.

Sheng Fenghua was a little helpless, he glanced at Si Zhanbei, and said, "Zhanbei, why don't you go back and change your clothes first, and I'll stay here with her."

However, Si Zhanbei didn't know why and didn't answer Sheng Fenghua's words.At this moment, he was in a daze.Because he finally remembered who this woman was.

Speaking of which, this woman was still an acquaintance of his, but it had been a long time, so he didn't recognize her for a while.

However, what Si Zhanbei didn't expect was that she would actually want to commit suicide.As far as he knows, this woman is living a pretty good life, the husband and wife are loving, and the children are filial, why can't she think about it so much?

Sheng Fenghua didn't get a response from Si Zhanbei, so he was a little surprised and turned to look at him.

But at this time, the woman lying on the ground struggled to sit up, and then looked in Si Zhanbei's direction.

She had just heard Sheng Fenghua call him Zhan Bei, and the woman wondered if he was the Zhan Bei she knew.

The woman sat up and finally saw Si Zhanbei's face, and then slowly revealed a look of surprise, and asked, "Is your surname Si?"

Before Sheng Fenghua had time to ask Si Zhanbei what was wrong, he was taken aback when he heard the woman behind him, turned to look at her, and said, "Do you know Zhanbei?"

"Zhan Bei, yes, your name is Si Zhanbei, and your family calls you Xiaobei. Xiaobei, is that you?" The woman became excited, then grabbed Sheng Fenghua's hand, and stood up.

Sheng Fenghua was a little confused. He looked at Si Zhanbei and then at the woman. He wanted to ask something, but seeing the crowds here, he finally didn't ask anything.

The woman walked up to Si Zhanbei, looked up at him, and asked, "Xiaobei, don't you know me?"

Si Zhanbei glanced at the woman, his expression was a little bad, and he said to Sheng Fenghua, "Daughter-in-law, let's go back."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, and then went to the villa with Si Zhanbei.

The woman saw that Si Zhanbei was about to leave, and immediately said to the nurse: "Miss Nurse, thank you, I'm fine, I don't need to go to the hospital."

Then, she took out some money from someone else, handed it to the other party and said, "This is a small thing, use it to buy water."

After finishing speaking, the woman trotted towards Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua who had gone away.

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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