ace warm marriage

Chapter 480 Heading to City B

Chapter 480 Heading to City B

When Sheng Fenghua went downstairs, the three of them had breakfast together before heading to the airport in the car.

Fortunately, their plane is at nine o'clock, so there is still time.

At the airport, the two accidentally bumped into the photographer again.Sheng Fenghua greeted the other party with a smile, but the photographer seemed a little afraid of Si Zhanbei, so he ran away after saying hello.

Seeing the back of the photographer leaving, Si Zhanbei frowned slightly.

This person looked a little strange, as if he followed them on purpose.I hope he thinks too much, otherwise...

"Zhan Bei, why are you still in a daze, let's go." Sheng Fenghua lightly touched Si Zhanbei's hand, reminding him to move forward.

The three of them went to the ticket gate, got on the plane, and headed for City B.

More than two hours later, the plane landed in City B.Si Zhanbei's Fa Xiao Ning Ruiyu drove to pick them up.Ning Ruiyu is Ning Ruize's cousin, Xiao Si Zhanbei is two years old, and they grew up together.

"Brother Zhanbei, you are finally willing to come back." Seeing that Si Zhanbei couldn't be happy, Ning Ruiyu stepped forward and gave him a big hug.

The two hugged for a while before letting go.Si Zhanbei brought Sheng Fenghua to Ning Ruiyu, and introduced: "This is my wife, your sister-in-law Sheng Fenghua."

"Daughter-in-law, this is Ning Ruiyu, my little one."

"Sister-in-law?" Ning Ruiyu was taken aback, looked at Sheng Fenghua, then at Si Zhanbei, and asked in surprise: "Brother Zhanbei, when did you get married, why didn't I know?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and call sister-in-law." Si Zhanbei patted Ning Ruiyu on the head and warned.

Ning Ruiyu was beaten, swallowed back the countless questions that came to his mouth, then looked at Sheng Fenghua, and yelled politely: "Sister-in-law!"

"Hello!" Sheng Fenghua smiled, and turned to look at Si Zhanbei.It seems that Si Zhanbei's marriage to the original owner was kept a secret, and he didn't even know about his childhood.

However, Sheng Fenghua didn't think much about it.After all, these things happened before she came, and she has nothing to pursue.No matter why Si Zhanbei married the original owner, she was already his wife now, and that was enough.

Seeing that the two greeted each other, Si Zhanbei didn't give Ning Ruiyu a chance to speak again, and said, "If you have anything to say, let's talk about it when we go back."

Naturally, Sheng Fenghua had no objection to this, she was a little tired after sitting on the plane for so long, and desperately wanted to take a rest.

"Get in the car." Ning Ruiyu nodded and led them to his car.

At this time, Mei Ruolan walked over with Xing Li, and said goodbye to Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua thought for a while, asked Si Zhanbei to wait for her in the car, then pulled Mei Ruolan aside and confessed.

After explaining, she gave Mei Ruolan a bottle of medicine and told her that if she encountered an emergency, she could take the medicine in the bottle first.

"Fenghua, thank you!" Mei Ruolan held the bottle, full of gratitude to Sheng Fenghua in her heart.She knew that Sheng Fenghua was worried that she would lose control of herself and become emotional when she went back to face that man.

"You're welcome, let's go. Call if you have something to do." Sheng Fenghua smiled and made a gesture of calling, and walked towards Ning Ruiyu's car.

When Sheng Fenghua got into the car, the car started and drove all the way to the city center.

Walking on the road, Ning Ruiyu asked while driving: "Brother Zhan Bei, are you going back to the mansion or the apartment in the city?"

"Go back to the apartment. As for the mansion, I will go back when I have time."

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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