ace warm marriage

Chapter 489 Hospital Visit

Chapter 489 Hospital Visit
"We have nothing to do. Come here to see if we can help. How is your grandfather's illness? What did the doctor say?"

"The situation is not very optimistic, and I haven't woken up yet. No, let me get the inspection list, and I have to send Grandpa to do an MRI of the brain in a while."

"That's fine, you go get the list first, and we'll go up by ourselves." Si Zhanbei said goodbye to Ning Ruiyu, and went upstairs with Sheng Fenghua.

The two went upstairs, and at a glance they saw a large group of people standing in the corridor, including several doctors and some family members.

Si Zhanbei knew people from the Ning family, so he went up to greet them.

The people of the Ning family were surprised to see Si Zhanbei, and Ning Ruize's father asked, "Zhanbei, why are you back?"

"Go on vacation, come back and take a look."

Father Ning nodded, and said: "After so many years away, it's time to come back."

"I'll go see Grandpa Ning." Si Zhanbei didn't say much to Ning Ruize's father, and brought Sheng Fenghua into the ward.

Entering the ward, looking at the old man lying on the bed, Sheng Fenghua looked around and found that there was only an old lady standing beside her, guessing it might be Ning Ruiyu's grandma.

At this time, Si Zhanbei had already stepped forward to say hello, calling out, "Grandma Ning."

"Are you Zhanbei?" Grandma Ning glanced at Si Zhanbei and asked hesitantly.

"Yes, Grandma Ning, I'm Zhan Bei, I'm here to see Grandpa Ning."

"You have a heart." Grandma Ning said, and turned to look at her wife on the bed.When her wife fell down, her heart was still in suspense until now.

Si Zhanbei's eyes fell on Mr. Ning, and he was also very worried seeing him unconscious.Sheng Fenghua was also observing the old man on the hospital bed, and after a few glances, she frowned slightly, and then asked Grandma Ning, who was standing by, and said, "Grandma Ning, did Grandpa Ning eat anything before he passed out? "

Grandma Ning realized her existence after hearing Sheng Fenghua's questioning.Seeing that Sheng Fenghua was a little strange, she turned her head and asked Si Zhanbei, "Zhanbei, who is this?"

"Grandma Ning, this is my daughter-in-law Sheng Fenghua."

"Your wife? Are you already married?" Grandma Ning was taken aback, and her gaze fell back on Sheng Fenghua again.

"Yes, Grandma Ning, I'm married." Si Zhanbei smiled, and then said to Grandma Ning: "Grandma Ning, my wife is a doctor, she wants to help Grandpa Ning, can I?"

Grandma Ning was taken aback, and looked at Sheng Fenghua in disbelief, never thinking that she would be a doctor.After all, Sheng Fenghua looked a little too small, like a little girl.

"Is it okay?" Sheng Fenghua saw that Grandma Ning didn't answer, and asked again.

Grandma Ning came back to her senses and nodded.

Seeing that Grandma Ning agreed, Sheng Fenghua reached out to help Mr. Ning feel his pulse.She had already been judged by Bubu just now, and the pulse test was just to confirm.

After checking the pulse for a while, Sheng Fenghua fully understood why he came back.She put Grandpa Ning's hand back under the quilt, looked up at Grandma Ning, and said, "Grandma Ning, don't worry, Grandpa Ning has no major problems, but he was a little anxious to eat before and fainted. And Grandpa Ning His body is a little weak, and he has been in a coma for a long time due to lack of exercise."

"What did you say?" Grandma Ning looked at Sheng Fenghua and couldn't believe her ears.Why is what she said different from what the doctor said before?
The doctor said it was serious before, why didn't there be any major problems in Sheng Fenghua's mouth?
 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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