ace warm marriage

Chapter 518 Fengchi's Person

Chapter 518 Fengchi and His Person ([-])

Si Zhanbei glanced at Ye Fengchi, laughed, and said, "We are saying that Ye Dong is passionate about charity and is a conscientious entrepreneur."

Ye Fengchi was startled for a moment, then he also laughed, and said: "Xiaobei, you are not bad, you are generous enough."

"I'm just getting started, and I can't compare to Mr. Ye. I heard from Ms. Mei that Mr. Ye spends tens of millions of dollars on charity every year. I have to learn more from Mr. Ye."

"It's easy to talk, to do more charity, and to give back to the society, that's what we should do."

"That's right, Director Ye is right."

The two flattered each other a bit, and they said goodbye to each other until the party was over.

Ye Fengchi took Mei Ruolan to their car, and after getting in the car, he was not in a hurry to drive, but looked at Mei Ruolan carefully.

"Husband, what's the matter?" Mei Ruolan was a little nervous, but she didn't show it on her face, she looked at Ye Fengchi with a puzzled expression.

"What did you say when I was on stage just now?" Obviously, Ye Fengchi didn't believe Si Zhanbei's words, so he came to ask Mei Ruolan.

Mei Ruolan glanced at Ye Fengchi, laughed, and said, "Xiaobei and the others are praising you. I'm very happy to hear that, so I talked to them a few more words."

"is it?"

"Honey, don't you believe me?" Mei Ruolan looked at Ye Fengchi with an aggrieved face, and the water in her eyes instantly appeared.

Seeing her like this, Ye Fengchi didn't ask any more questions, but changed the subject and asked, "Did you really meet them when you were traveling?"

"Yes, they are my saviors."

"Savior? What do you mean?"

"Husband, you also know that I have this disease, and accidents may happen at any time, right? I was on the beach looking at the sea that day. I didn't want a big wave to hit me. I fell into the sea because of Xiaobei and his wife. Saved me and took care of me."

"It turned out to be like this. I'm sorry, Ruolan, I wrongly blamed you. It's all my fault that I was busy and couldn't be by your side." Ye Fengchi looked at Mei Ruolan with an apologetic face, said nice words in his mouth, but he was thinking of him in his heart Someone has to do a thorough investigation to see if Mei Ruolan is telling the truth.

Mei Ruolan also knew that Ye Fengchi might not fully believe her, so she spoke truthfully.Even if he went to investigate, he couldn't find any problems.

The two did not continue this topic, but started the car and went home.

Besides, Si Zhanbei and the others saw Ye Fengchi and Mei Ruolan leaving, and then came over, surrounded them, and asked, "How is it?"

"Old fox, you don't leak water." Si Zhanbei commented in a few words.

"Indeed, this Ye Fengchi is an old fox. Our company has cooperated with him several times, but we didn't get any advantage." Lu Qingyuan said.

"Let's go, don't talk about him, let's go to the party."


A group of people left the party and went to the high-end club from last time.This gathering lasted for another two hours, and it was already one o'clock in the evening when they separated and went home.

It was still the apartment where Ning Ruiyu sent the two of them back.When saying goodbye, Si Zhanbei felt that it would be troublesome for Ning Ruiyu to pick him up every time, so he said to him: "Little Ba, you don't need to use it tomorrow. I will ask the boss to bring the car, so it will be convenient for us to go out by ourselves in the future. Don't waste your time."

"Okay, then I won't come tomorrow."

The two said goodbye, Ning Ruiyu drove away, Si Zhanbei entered the elevator with his arms around Sheng Fenghua's waist.

Back home, the two took a shower and dried their hair before going back to bed.

After a good night's sleep, Xu Qicheng delivered the car that he had given to Sheng Fenghua that day early the next morning.

 One more, thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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