ace warm marriage

Chapter 525 The Proud Mr. Si

Chapter 525 The Proud Mr. Si

Sheng Fenghua entered the space in the car, put the box away, and then came out.

When Sheng Fenghua got out of the car and locked the car, Mr. Si had already changed his clothes and asked Butler Wang to prepare the car and prepare to leave.

The place where Mr. Si and his old friends gather is in People's Park in City B.When they arrived, two old people had already arrived first.

One is Grandpa Xu, the eldest of the eight brothers - Xu Qicheng's grandfather.There is also the grandfather of Xiaoqi Chen Rui, Grandpa Chen.

Si Zhanbei knew these two old people well.When he was a child, he often went to these two houses.

"I met Grandpa Xu and Grandpa Chen." Si Zhanbei helped Grandpa Si to the pavilion where they had a party, and greeted the two old people.

"This is..." The two old men didn't recognize Si Zhanbei for a while, after all, they hadn't seen each other for several years, and this person would change when he grew up.

At this time, Mr. Si sat down beside him, and said with a proud face, "This is my grandson, Zhan Bei."

"Zhan Bei?" The two old men were taken aback for a moment, then looked at Si Zhanbei with a smile on his face, and said, "Zhan Bei is back!"

"Yes, I'm back." Si Zhanbei laughed.

"When did you come back? Didn't I hear that you went to serve in the army? Is this a vacation?" Grandpa Chen glanced at Si Zhanbei and asked a few questions with a smile.

"It's been two days since I came back. It's a vacation."

"How many days can you stay at home this time?"

"A week or so."

"Time is short."

Grandpa Chen and Si Zhanbei were talking, while Sheng Fenghua stood aside and watched.Seeing Sheng Fenghua standing there, Mr. Si called out, "Fenghua, come, sit here!"

"Thank you, grandpa!" Sheng Fenghua thanked him, turned his gaze away from Si Zhanbei and Grandpa Chen, walked to Mr. Si and sat down.

When she sat down, Grandpa Xu on the side lightly touched old master Si's arm, and asked, "This girl is quite handsome, why haven't I seen her before? Is it your granddaughter?"

Grandpa Si laughed, and said to Grandpa Xu proudly, "This is not some granddaughter, but my granddaughter-in-law."

"Granddaughter-in-law? From Zhanbei?" Grandpa Xu glanced at Si Zhanbei and asked.

"You guessed right, it's Zhan Bei's daughter-in-law named Feng Hua."

"Fenghua, this is Grandpa Xu." Mr. Si introduced the two of them.

"Hello, Grandpa Xu!" Sheng Fenghua greeted Grandpa Xu with a smile, and then sat quietly aside.

Grandpa Xu took a look at Sheng Fenghua, approached Mr. Si's ear, and said in a low voice, "She looks so young, why did he fall in love with Zhan Bei?"

"Don't look at her young age, she has good medical skills. Let me tell you..." Old Master Si told Grandpa Xu what happened to Grandpa Ning and what happened to him in a low voice with a proud face.While talking, the two old men secretly looked at Sheng Fenghua.

"Really?" Grandpa Xu obviously didn't believe it. After all, Sheng Fenghua looked too young, and he didn't look like a person with rich experience in seeing a doctor.

"Don't believe it?" Old Master Si glared at Grandpa Xu, a little unhappy that he didn't believe that Sheng Fenghua's medical skills were good.

"I don't believe it!" Grandpa Xu shook his head directly, not afraid of Mr. Si's anger.

"You?" Mr. Si became a little angry, and gave Mr. Xu a hard look, then turned his head and glanced at Sheng Fenghua, as if he was about to say something.

He knew that if he wanted old man Xu to believe that Sheng Fenghua's medical skills were really good, he had to let Sheng Fenghua show his skills.But he didn't know how to speak for a while.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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