ace warm marriage

Chapter 532 4 Star Service

Chapter 532 Four Star Service
"Come in, come in!" Mr. Xu and Grandma Xu greeted Sheng Fenghua and went into the house. As for their grandson, they had already been thrown aside by the two of them.

Seeing his grandparents being so enthusiastic about Sheng Fenghua, Xu Qicheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, surprised and curious at the same time.

Here Sheng Fenghua has arrived at Xu's house, while Zhan Bei has already joined Yang Lei, the captain of the criminal police team in city B who was secretly following Ye Fengchi.

"Captain Yang, how's the situation?" Si Zhanbei got into Yang Lei's car and asked.

"Master Si, Ye Fengchi has already gone in, should we also go in and have a look." Yang Lei looked at Ye Fengchi who had gotten off the car not far away to go to the clubhouse in front, and turned to ask Si Zhanbei.

This clubhouse is under the name of Ye Fengchi, and it is a private clubhouse.Ye Fengchi often meets clients in this club to discuss business and so on.

"Okay, I'll go in and have a look!" Si Zhanbei nodded. Now that his identity has not been found out, it is easier to go in.

On the contrary, Yang Lei, as the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade in City B, has many people who know him.It is estimated that as soon as he stepped forward, people recognized him.

"Then be careful, I'll wait for you outside. If you need anything, please contact me at any time. This is your membership card, hold it, otherwise you won't be able to get in."

Although Yang Lei wanted to go in, considering his status, he thought it would be better to wait outside.

"I know, I'm leaving." Si Zhanbei took the membership card, put it in his pocket, got out of Yang Lei's car, and drove his own car to the clubhouse.

Si Zhanbei parked his car in the parking lot, and then headed towards the gate of the clubhouse.

As soon as he approached, two security guards came out, blocked Si Zhanbei's path, and said, "Sir, please show your membership card."

Si Zhanbei glanced at the two security guards indifferently, then took out the membership card that Yang Lei had given him earlier, and handed it to one of them.

Although it was just a meeting, Si Zhanbei still found out that these two security guards were not as simple as ordinary security guards.Because they have similar auras on their bodies.

Even if these two are not regular soldiers, it is very likely that they have participated in special training, or used to be mercenaries.

The security guard checked Si Zhanbei's membership card, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he let him go.

Si Zhanbei entered the clubhouse and was looking around.A charmingly dressed woman walked over and greeted: "Hi sir, this is your first time here."

Si Zhanbei glanced at the woman, with a cold expression on his face, and did not speak.

The woman didn't take it seriously, and enthusiastically introduced him to the club's services, from low to high, a total of five levels.

Si Zhanbei took out the membership card, shook it in front of the woman, and said, "I don't know how many levels of service I can enjoy with this card."

He held a gold card in his hand, the woman glanced at it, and said with a smile: "You can enjoy the service of the highest level four, sir, please follow me."

The woman led Si Zhanbei through the lobby and went to the back.Si Zhanbei followed quietly, looking at the surrounding environment from time to time, until the woman stopped in front of a gate, and then looked away.

"Four-star VIP service" is written in large characters on the gate.

"Sir, we're here!" The woman said, and then pushed open the mahogany door.As soon as the gate is opened, the women's graceful figures are looming in the fairy mist.

"Is this the four-star service?" Si Zhanbei frowned slightly, knowing what it does here without guessing.

 One more, thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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