ace warm marriage

Chapter 538 Pay attention to the impact

Chapter 538 Pay attention to the impact

He knew about the old wounds on his grandfather.The family had invited many doctors to see him, but neither traditional Chinese medicine nor Western medicine was of any use.

Although, now he couldn't see whether Sheng Fenghua's actions would be effective, but at least her treatment method was different from others.And she was so confident that he couldn't help but want to believe it.

After packing up her things, Sheng Fenghua originally planned to leave, but Grandma Xu refused to say anything, she insisted on letting her stay for lunch.

Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to stay.

After Sheng Fenghua agreed to stay, he took out his phone and prepared to speak to Si Zhanbei.Unexpectedly, at this time, the doorbell of Xu's house rang, and Xu Qicheng opened the door to see that it was Si Zhanbei who came.

"Third brother, why are you here?" Seeing Si Zhanbei, Xu Qicheng was a little surprised.He had something to do before and couldn't send Sheng Fenghua here, so he specially asked him to pick him up.

Now, he actually came here in person, how worried he was about his wife.

"I'm done with my work, I'll come over and take a look." Si Zhanbei said with a smile, and then entered the door.He could see Sheng Fenghua sitting on the sofa and looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Zhanbei is here!" Grandma Xu was also very happy to see Si Zhanbei.Among Xu Qicheng's childhood friends, she likes Si Zhanbei the most.I liked it since I was a child, which made Xu Qicheng quite jealous.

"Grandma Xu!" Si Zhanbei greeted Grandma Xu, then sat down beside Sheng Fenghua, and asked, "Have you shown it to Grandpa Xu?"

"I've already seen it. Grandpa Xu is asleep." Sheng Fenghua smiled, and then asked, "Why did you come here suddenly? Are you done with your work?"

"Well, let's take a look after finishing it." Si Zhanbei gently held Sheng Fenghua's hand, and asked with concern: "How are you doing, are you tired?"


Xu Qicheng looked at the couple, who couldn't stop fighting once they talked, and couldn't help becoming sour, and said, "You two pay attention to influence, and don't abuse me, a single dog, here."

"Why, aren't you convinced? If you don't agree, go find one yourself." Si Zhanbei raised his head, glanced at Xu Qicheng lightly, and said something.

After hearing this, Grandma Xu on the side immediately agreed and said, "Qicheng, what Zhan Bei said is right, you are old and not young, it's time to find someone else. You see, Zhan Bei is younger than you , have married a wife, you have to hurry up. Otherwise, this good girl will be married away by others, and you will have no place to cry."

Xu Qicheng saw that his sour words triggered the prelude to his grandmother's urging marriage, and he had a headache.He knew that once this topic started, his grandma would never stop talking about it.So, he gave Si Zhanbei a hard look, with a sad look on his face.

It's all your fault, what kind of love is there to show off?
How can this blame me?Is my show of affection getting in your way?

Xu Qicheng was too angry to speak, and could only confront Si Zhanbei with his eyes.You come and go, but in the end you are defeated.

Seeing Xu Qicheng look away, Si Zhanbei raised his eyebrows and smiled, and then talked to Grandma Xu in a good mood, changing the subject, which was like saving Xu Qicheng from the sea of ​​misery of being urged to marry.

After a few people talked for a while, Mr. Xu woke up and walked out of the room.

"My wife, are you awake?" Grandma Xu was the first to find out that Mr. Xu had come out, and she stood up in surprise.

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Xu came over and sat down beside Grandma Xu.

 One more.Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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