ace warm marriage

Chapter 554 Someone Follows

Chapter 554 Someone Follows
"Hey, wake up!" Si Mufeng patted the man's face to wake him up.

The man slowly opened his eyes, saw Si Mufeng was taken aback, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Usually, Si Mufeng is a loner and rarely mixes with people like them.Moreover, Si Mufeng was just sent by the organization, and he was not very familiar with them.

"I was passing by and saw the door here opened, so I came over to have a look. I don't think so, you actually slept on the floor." Si Mufeng said lightly, with a look of ignorance.

As soon as these words came out, the man suddenly remembered something, then jumped up abruptly, and looked towards the place where Mei Ruolan was tied before.

When he saw that Mei Ruolan was no longer there, his face changed drastically, and he said badly to himself.

He already guessed what happened.

So, he ignored Si Mufeng and quickly ran out of the torture room.

"Brother Wen, what's the matter with you?" The person in the room asked curiously when he saw the man running over.

"Did you see someone go out just now?" The man, who is also known as Brother Wen, glanced at everyone and asked.

"No more, what's the matter?" Everyone looked puzzled, looking at Brother Wen, wondering why his face was so ugly, and what happened.

"Mrs. Ye ran away." Brother Wen said bitterly.But it surprised everyone, watching him speechless for a long time.

"What happened?" After a long time, someone came back to his senses and asked.

"I was knocked out before, and Mrs. Ye was rescued."

"What, no way?" Everyone was shocked, they were all here, who ran in so powerfully, and even rescued them.

"Check, find out what's going on. I want to know who rescued Mrs. Ye." Brother Wen was annoyed and shouted loudly.

Hearing Brother Wen's words, everyone immediately took action.

However, when they walked to the monitoring room, they found that the scene was still at the scene where they brought Mei Ruolan in.As for what happened after that, it was not filmed at all.

"What's going on here? When did the monitoring break down, why didn't we know?"

"Damn it, could it be that someone followed us back?" Someone suddenly said this, making everyone quiet and looking at each other.

If someone really came back with them, would their current location be exposed?

Thinking of this possibility, everyone couldn't stay any longer.Brother Wen couldn't calm down anymore, so he took out his phone and called Ye Fengchi.

Ye Fengchi was still in the apartment, after receiving a call from Brother Wen, he asked, "Have you asked?"

"Boss, I'm sorry, people ran away."

"What did you say? He ran away?" Ye Fengchi's face became ugly, and Mei Ruolan actually ran away?

"What are you all doing? There are so many people guarding there, yet a woman can run away. What a bunch of trash!"

Ye Fengchi cursed angrily.

Now that Mei Ruolan ran like this, their stronghold might be exposed.

"Boss, I'm sorry!" Brother Wen was scolded, but he didn't dare to say anything.It was indeed their negligence that caused Mei Ruolan to be rescued.

Until now, Brother Wen never suspected that it was someone inside him who rescued him.Because he believed in his brothers.As for Si Mufeng, he was sent from above, so he would not doubt him.

Therefore, he has basically agreed with the previous person's words, that is, someone followed him all the way.

 One more.

(End of this chapter)

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