ace warm marriage

Chapter 563 Carrying Out the Arrest

Chapter 563 Carrying Out the Arrest
Si Zhanbei was taken aback when he received the email.It's not yet the appointed time, why did this blood thorn ask him to meet him? Could it be that things have changed?

Thinking that things might change, Si Zhanbei became worried, and then went out immediately to make an appointment.

This time, the place where they met was changed, not a coffee shop, but a Yuzu Pavilion.

Si Zhannan walked into Yuzu Pavilion, found the private room number on the mail, opened the door and walked in.In the private room, a person was lying there enjoying a massage.

Hearing the sound of Si Zhanbei coming in, Xueji said to the masseur: "You go out first."

The masseur retreated, and Xue Ren said the name of a place lightly, and told Si Zhanbei that he wanted the things there.

Si Zhanbei nodded, then glanced at the other party, and asked, "You suddenly changed the time, is it because something has changed?"

"Hmm!" Xue Ting replied, and then revealed Ye Fengchi's plan.

After listening, Si Zhanbei's face changed drastically, he said goodbye to the blood thorn, and left in a hurry.This information is too important.

Before, although they knew that Ye Fengchi would take action in the near future, they didn't know the specific action plan.Now, now that he knows, he must immediately report to his superiors.

Assassinating Mr., this is a big deal.Once successful, the entire political arena will be shaken.

After Si Zhanbei left Yuzu Pavilion, he returned to the car, and immediately called the chief to report the situation.

Hearing Si Zhanbei's words, the chief's face became serious, and then he ordered Si Zhanbei: "Since the list has been obtained, we can't wait any longer and arrest him immediately."

"Chief, if we act first here, will it affect the actions of other places?" Si Zhanbei asked a little worried.

"Of course!"

"Then can we change the method?" Si Zhanbei asked tentatively.If the arrest is carried out now, the blood thorn will inevitably be exposed.

As a result, his situation is dangerous.

And he didn't want the blood thorn to be in danger.Regardless of whether the other party was his brother-in-law or not, he didn't want such an undercover agent to sacrifice his life at the most critical moment when victory was about to come.

"What do you think, tell me!" The chief didn't insist on his idea, but asked.

"Chief, this is what I think. Since we already know the other party's plan, we might as well make a plan and settle it."

"A plan?" The chief immediately understood Si Zhanbei's meaning when he heard it, and said, "Do you want someone to pretend to be Mr., and then lure those people into the bait, and then catch them all?"

"Yes, Chief."

"Okay, I'll talk to my husband first to see if he agrees." The chief thought for a while and said to Si Zhanbei.

Si Zhanbei hung up the phone, then started the car, went to the place provided by Xuethorn, and took out the list.He read the list once, then sent it to the police station and handed it over to Yang Lei.

After receiving the list, Yang Lei immediately asked his superiors for instructions, and then dispatched the police force to control these people.

The chief's phone call came quickly.He told Si Zhanbei that his husband agreed to his proposal, but he asked that the double not be allowed to have any accidents.

Si Zhanbei laughed and said to the chief, "I promise to complete the task!"

After hanging up the phone, Si Zhanbei immediately discussed with Yang Lei how to arrest those people.

After confirming the action plan, Si Zhanbei was ready to leave and return to the apartment.

But at this moment, a phone call came, which made Si Zhanbei's face change.

 After the tenth watch, good night, dear friends!It's been ten updates, and I still haven't subscribed, but it's so sad.

(End of this chapter)

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