ace warm marriage

Chapter 565 Angry

Chapter 565 Angry


Mei Ruolan snorted coldly in her heart, but her face remained calm. She watched Ye Fengchi's full-bodied performance until he couldn't go on acting anymore, and then said: "Act, why don't you continue acting? ?”

After hearing Mei Ruolan's words, Ye Fengchi's complexion changed, he looked at her extremely gloomyly, and spit out a few words: "Mei Ruolan!"

"Ye Fengchi, don't you like acting? Why don't you continue acting?" Mei Ruolan crossed her arms and looked at Ye Fengchi mockingly.

Since coming here, from the moment she saw Ye Fengchi, she was ready to die.

Although she didn't want to die, she also knew that Ye Fengchi would not let her go, and even more that she couldn't beat him at all.Moreover, she already knew that Si Mufeng was still alive, so she would die without regret.

"Mei Ruolan, go out for a while, you really have a lot of skills." Ye Fengchi stood up suddenly, walked up to Mei Ruolan, stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Why, have you become angry from embarrassment?" Mei Ruolan raised her head slightly, looking at Ye Fengchi.Looking at his distorted gloomy face full of murderous intent, he laughed at himself.

How could she think this face was pretty?This face is simply ugly, not to mention compared with Si Mufeng, even those other people who pursued her can't compare.

Ten years ago, how blind was she to think that this man was the most beautiful man in the world.

"Mei Ruolan, do you think there is any benefit in provoking me again and again? You don't know, I will kill you?" Ye Fengchi raised Mei Ruolan's chin a little more, looking into her eyes .He wanted to see if Mei Ruolan would be afraid and beg for mercy.

However, he was destined to be disappointed.There was no fear in Mei Ruolan's eyes, no begging for mercy, only self-deprecating, only hatred.

"You hate me?" Ye Fengchi was a little surprised to see the hatred in Mei Ruolan's eyes.Didn't she love him to death?How did it change so quickly?Could it be that love is so deep that you hate so much?

"Yes!" Mei Ruolan looked at Ye Fengchi, the hatred in her eyes became more and more obvious, she gritted her teeth and said, "I wish I could eat your flesh, drink your blood, and wish I could cut you into pieces."

"I can't see that you hate me so deeply." Ye Fengchi was a little dazed, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.Mei Ruolan's hatred for him doesn't seem like a fake, she really hates him.

Could it be that she knew about the things he did?

If that's the case, it's understandable.But how did she know?

Ye Fengchi wanted to know very much, so he opened Mei Ruolan's chin and asked, "Tell me, why do you hate me so much?"

"Ye Fengchi, you wolf-hearted thing, you are not human. What did you do yourself, don't you know?"

"Of course I know what I did. The question is, how did you know?" Ye Fengchi didn't care at all about Mei Ruolan scolding him.Anyway, she was about to die, and a few words of scolding would not lose a piece of meat.

"If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing." Mei Ruolan replied coldly with a look of vigilance.At this time, she was not dazzled by hatred. He knew that Ye Fengchi was tricking her, and wanted to know from her mouth who told her.

And how could she say it?She couldn't put Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua in danger, she couldn't cause trouble for them.

She would rather die by herself than see two people have an accident because of her.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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