Chapter 569
"This man, the good doctor in your eyes, has been injecting cancer-causing drugs into my body for ten years. Even if you don't kill me, I will only have a month to live at most."

"What?" Brother Wen looked at A Bin in shock, not understanding how he would do such a thing.And this other party is their boss's woman.

"Ah Wen, forget it, don't kill her. She is also a poor woman." Ah Bin glanced at Brother Wen without further explanation.

"But where is the boss..." Brother Wen was a little hesitant, he didn't want to kill Mei Ruolan, but Ye Fengchi gave the order, if he didn't kill her, it would be his own bad luck.

"I'll go and tell the boss, if the boss still insists, it's not too late for you to do it. Anyway, she is a woman, with so many brothers watching, she can't escape." A Bin patted Brother Wen on the shoulder, and then Glancing at Mei Ruolan, she left the room.

After A Bin left, Brother Wen didn't stay too long, and said to Mei Ruolan: "You are lucky!"

After saying that, he left.

However, thinking about Mei Ruolan running away last time, Brother Wen was still a little worried, so he specially called two brothers to guard the back of the house.

Mei Ruolan ran once before, and now she cannot be allowed to run a second time.

After the people were arranged to guard Mei Ruolan, Brother Wen returned to the lobby, waiting for Ah Bin to persuade Ye Fengchi.

Besides, Ah Bin entered Ye Fengchi's room, looked at him lying on the bed, was a little surprised, stepped forward and asked: "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"I was pushed by that bitch, help me see if there will be any sequelae." Ye Fengchi's face was a little ugly, and when he said the word bitch, he even gritted his teeth.

"Push it up?" Ah Bin was stunned for a moment, then sized Ye Fengchi up, finally set his eyes on him, and asked, "Where did you get hurt?"

"En!" Ye Fengchi responded, then turned his head away, not daring to look at A Bin.Although Ah Bin is a doctor, he was still a little embarrassed for being injured there.

"I'll show you right now." A Bin said while reaching out to help Ye Fengchi check his body.

When he saw that the place on Ye Fengchi's body was bruised and swollen, his expression changed, and he said, "Boss, how could it be so serious?"

"Is it serious?" Ye Fengchi's expression changed when he heard this, and he said, "It's all the fault of that bitch, I want her life to be worse than death."

Ah Bin heard Ye Fengchi say 'bitch' several times, and then thought of Brother Wen saying that Ye Fengchi ordered him to kill Mei Ruolan, and he somewhat understood.

It's just that Ah Bin doesn't understand, Mei Ruolan obviously loves Ye Fengchi very much, and she is willing to abandon her childhood sweetheart fiancé because of him, how could she be so ruthless?

Looking at it like this, Ye Fengchi is going to be destroyed.Whether it can be used in the future is hard to say.

However, he still wanted to make sure, so he asked, "Boss, is it Madam who hurt you?"

"What madam, that's a bitch." Ye Fengchi was very annoyed when he heard that everyone called Mei Ruolan his wife.In his eyes, Mei Ruolan is a complete slut.

Ah Bin was a little speechless, lowered his head, and while applying medicine to Ye Fengchi, said: "Ah Wen said before that you were going to kill her? Now you want to make her life worse than death? Is this killing or not?"

After hearing this, Ye Fengchi frowned, obviously remembering what he said before.As a result, his face changed slightly, and he said, "Ah Wen hasn't done anything yet, has he?"

 Six more.

(End of this chapter)

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