ace warm marriage

Chapter 580 Help him check

Chapter 580 Help him check

Moreover, his face can easily scare children when he goes out.

In order not to frighten others with his face, or to prevent him from being looked down upon, he had to remove the scars on his face no matter what.

Of course, the best way is plastic surgery.But Si Mufeng didn't want to, and he couldn't force him to go.

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua responded with a smile, then walked to Si Mufeng's side, motioned him to rest his head on the sofa and not to move around, and then helped to check the scar on his face.

Sheng Fenghua stretched out his hand and pressed hard on those scars, and then asked: "Uncle, does it hurt if I press like this?"

"A little bit!" Si Mufeng said.After all, his scar has been around for a long time, even if it hurts, it won't be too serious.

Sheng Fenghua pressed a few more times, and then asked a few questions, and Si Mufeng answered them one by one.

"How is it? Is there a way?" Seeing Sheng Fenghua finished the inspection, Mr. Si asked immediately.Compared with Si Mufeng, the client, it seems that the scar is on his own body.

"It can only be treated superficially, not completely." Sheng Fenghua said after taking a look at Mr. Si.She could give Si Mufeng some ointment, but she couldn't cure it completely.After all, Si Mufeng was hurt for too long.

If it was a new injury, there would be no problem at all, but now it is impossible.

"It's okay, it's okay, you just treat him. Even if those scars are lightened, it's better than it is now."

"That's fine, wait for me to go back and prepare the medicine, and then bring it to my uncle."

Si Mufeng didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, he didn't want to trouble Sheng Fenghua, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with him, after all, he was used to it.

But he also knew that Mr. Si was doing it for his own good, so he didn't refuse or object.

Several people were talking, and the sound of cars sounded in the yard.Immediately afterwards, a somewhat exaggerated female voice sounded at the door: "Third brother, you are back!"

Following the sound, Si Muyuan quickly walked into the living room, bringing a burst of fragrance.

Si Mu slowly came to Si Mufeng's side, and opened his hands, wanting to hug him.But when he saw Si Mufeng's face, he immediately screamed and stepped back in horror.

He almost fell because he was going too fast.Fortunately, the husband who came later reached out to help her, so she didn't fall down.

"Yuanyuan, what's wrong with you?" Si Muyuan's husband, Zhong Zhiyun, asked with concern.Si Muyuan's cry just now was really terrifying, as if she saw a ghost.

"He..." Si Muyuan pointed at Si Mufeng's face, still looking scared.

Zhong Zhiyun raised his head and looked at Si Mufeng. When he saw Si Mufeng's face, he was also taken aback, and asked, "Third Brother, your face..."

Si Mufeng glanced at the couple indifferently, but did not speak.The previous joy was completely dissipated by Si Muyuan's scream.

He sat down on the sofa and asked lightly, "Why are you here?"

"I heard that the third brother is back, let's take a look." Zhong Zhiyun said with a smile, he could see Si Mufeng's indifference towards them, and knew that the way Si Muyuan screamed before broke his heart.

But Si Muyuan is such a person, and he can't help it.Moreover, Si Mufeng's face was really scary, not to mention Si Muyuan was a woman, even he looked a little scared.

"Now that you see it, you can go back." After Si Mufeng finished speaking, he ignored the two of them, but said to Mr. Si, "Dad, I'm tired, so I'll go back to my room to rest."

 seven more.

(End of this chapter)

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