Chapter 582
Si Muyuan felt more and more wronged, feeling that everyone was against her and didn't want to see her.In the past, Mr. Si never yelled at her in front of outsiders, and never made her lose face.

But today, in order to protect Sheng Fenghua, he yelled at her.

Originally, Si Muyuan was angry because of Si Mufeng's indifference to her, but now she will be even more angry, as if everyone owes her.

Old Master Si didn't know what to say anymore, he felt a little regretful that he shouldn't spoil Si Muyuan like this.

"Zhiyun, take her back!" He ignored Si Muyuan and said directly to Zhong Zhiyun.He has given up on this daughter whose mind is never clear.

"Yes, Dad!" Zhong Zhiyun also felt ashamed, wishing he could stuff Si Muyuan into a crack in the ground.So, after hearing Mr. Si's words, he immediately stepped forward and took Si Muyuan's hand and said, "Yuanyuan, let's go back!"

"Go back, she hasn't apologized to me yet? Why should I go back? Besides, it's rare for me to come to my mother's house, and I have to finish my meal before leaving, or I will lose face?"

Si Muyuan glared at Zhong Zhiyun, unwilling to go back at all.She doesn't feel ashamed, and she just wants to fight today, and she wants to fight Sheng Fenghua to the end.

She felt that every time she met Sheng Fenghua, nothing good happened.I feel that the reason why everyone no longer stands by her side and no longer defends her is also because of Sheng Fenghua.

She even thought that Sheng Fenghua was a witch, who had bewitched everyone.

"Si Muyuan, let me ask you again, do you want to go?" Zhong Zhiyun became angry, looking at Si Muyuan and asked in a cold voice.He doesn't love Si Muyuan, if it wasn't because she is the daughter of the Si family, he would have divorced her long ago.

Today, Si Muyuan not only didn't give him face, but also made him lose face so much, how could he not be annoyed?It's just because of the presence of Mr. Si and being in the Si family that he endured it all the time and didn't have an attack.

But this Si Muyuan is lucky, she doesn't look at her face at all.Mr. Si had already kicked him out, but she still wanted to stay for dinner.

He really wanted to open Si Muyuan's mind to see what was inside.

He felt that Si Muyuan's brain circuit was not a normal person at all.

"Don't go!" Si Muyuan uttered two words decisively, completely unaware of Zhong Zhiyun's anger and forbearance.

At this moment, she only wanted to overwhelm Sheng Fenghua, and only wanted to force her to apologize.

"I don't care about you anymore!" Zhong Zhiyun was furious.

"Dad, I have something else to do. I'm going back first. I'll come to see you another day." Zhong Zhiyun didn't want to worry about Si Muyuan anymore, so he said to Mr. Si and left angrily.

Si Muyuan wanted to die, but he couldn't stop it.It's better not to be out of sight, but out of mind.

Until Zhong Zhiyun left, Si Muyuan was still a little unresponsive, and muttered, "Why did he leave?"

Regarding his stupid daughter, Mr. Si shook his head, sighed, and reminded him: "Si Muyuan, Zhiyun has already left, do you want to stay for dinner? You don't have to worry at all, he will go somewhere else." Where does the woman seek comfort?"

"What? He's going to find another woman? How dare he!" Si Muyuan's face changed, and she said loudly.

At this time, her mind finally returned to normal, and then she stretched out Sheng Fenghua's hand, saying: "No, I will definitely not let him find another vixen."

After walking a few steps, she stopped again, glared at Sheng Fenghua, and said, "Forgive you this time, I won't be so easy to talk to next time."

 Nine more.

(End of this chapter)

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