ace warm marriage

Chapter 587 Take the initiative to flirt with him

Chapter 587 Take the initiative to flirt with him
Sheng Fenghua looked at the enlarged handsome face that was getting closer and closer in his eyes, and slowly closed his eyes.Si Zhanbei looked at it and smiled.

Last night, he couldn't get close to his little wife, so he had to make up for everything this morning.Moreover, the young wife took the initiative just now, a man would not be able to stand it.

The sweet feeling made Si Zhanbei reluctant to let go for a long time.Sheng Fenghua closed his eyes, enjoying the intimacy and palpitations that Si Zhanbei brought to him.

Beautiful things are always addictive. As time goes by, the two are more and more unwilling to let go of each other.

Si Zhanbei is like a warrior, galloping on the battlefield.Sheng Fenghua is like a beautiful flower, driven by Si Zhanbei, it keeps blooming in full bloom.

The sun rose slowly, and the sunlight shone in through the window and fell on the two of them, adding a bit of sacredness to this closeness.

After getting close, Si Zhanbei carried Sheng Fenghua into the bathroom.

It was already an hour later when I washed up and came out of the bathroom.

Putting on clean clothes, Sheng Fenghua went to the kitchen to make breakfast, and Si Zhanbei followed behind her, beating her hands.Sheng Fenghua mixed a little batter, baked a few omelettes, cooked porridge, and served it with a side dish.

A delicious breakfast is baked, which makes people very appetizing.Si Zhankou's appetite is very good, he ate everything, and he still has something to say.

After breakfast, Sheng Fenghua asked Si Zhanbei to deliver ointment to Si Mufeng, while he called Mei Ruolan himself, preparing for her to give her a second treatment.

Originally, the second treatment would take half a month, but considering that Mei Ruolan can't leave City B in the near future, and she has to return to City A, it will not be so convenient to meet again.

So, after thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua decided to give Mei Ruolan a second treatment in advance.

Compared with the first time, the second treatment is relatively simple.Therefore, Sheng Fenghua directly invited him to his home and planned to treat Mei Ruolan in the guest room.

When she received a call from Sheng Fenghua, Mei Ruolan was on her way to the Mei Group.Now that Ye Fengchi has been arrested, she has to take over the Mei family.

In any case, Mei's is the property left to her by her parents, and after finally returning to her hands, she has to manage it well and carry forward this property.

"Fenghua, I'm going to Mei's, do you have anything to do with me?" Since Ye Fengchi was arrested, Mei Ruolan has been in a good mood, and her tone of voice is quite light when she speaks.Let people feel her good mood right away.

"Ms. Mei, Zhan Bei and I will return to City A tomorrow morning. I wonder if you have time to come over in the afternoon. I will help you with the second stage of treatment."

Mei Ruolan thought about her schedule for today, and then replied: "Yes!"

So, the two made an appointment to meet at two o'clock in the afternoon, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Sheng Fenghua didn't intend to go out, but entered the space again, planning to prepare some parting gifts for the elderly.

She plans to make some pills for their bodies, which can improve their body immunity and prevent them from getting sick easily.

According to the number of people, Sheng Fenghua made a total of twelve bottles, separated for men and women, and packed in small and exquisite porcelain bottles, which are classy and beautiful.

The things were ready, Sheng Fenghua thought he had no time to deliver them, so he called Ning Ruiyu directly and entrusted him with the task of delivering the gifts.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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