Chapter 593
Seeing the salty pig's hand stretched out towards him, Sheng Fenghua's eyes turned cold, and before the other party touched him, he shot suddenly.

There was a crisp click, followed by a scream like killing a pig.

Ah Yue heard Brother Qian's screams and looked up, only to find that his arm had been dislocated.So, her complexion changed, and she stepped forward and asked, "Brother Qian, what's wrong with you?"

"Bitch, get out!" Brother Qian was in excruciating pain, Ah Yue stepped forward at this time, just to vent his anger.So, with a wave of his other uninjured hand, he raised his hand and slapped Ah Yue.

With a loud snap, five finger prints appeared on Ah Yue's face.Sheng Fenghua stood aside, watching lightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a sneer appeared.

After Brother Qian slapped Ah Yue, he turned his head, looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Bitch, you dare to break my arm, I'll never end with you."

As he said that, Brother Qian raised his foot and was about to kick Sheng Fenghua's body.Sheng Fenghua's eyes sank, his body flickered, and while avoiding it, he pulled hard with his hand, and directly dragged Brother Qian down from the last step of the stairs.

Standard split horse!


There was another scream, and Brother Qian's face turned pale. He looked at Sheng Fenghua's terrified expression.At this moment, his drunkenness was long gone.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at him lightly, then walked upstairs, leaving Brother Liu with a confused face and Ah Yue who didn't react for a long time.

She thought Sheng Fenghua was just a small white flower, so after getting Wen Jianing's hint, she wanted to treat her.That's why when he was blocked by Brother Qian and Brother Liu, he stood aside and wanted to watch a good show.

Brother Qian and Brother Liu are regular customers in the bar, and they usually hurt many girls.Almost none of the girls in her bar has not been taken advantage of by these two.

Originally thought that this Sheng Fenghua was from the countryside, and had never seen such a scene before, he would be so scared that he didn't know what to do.

Unexpectedly, she shot so ruthlessly that not only broke Brother Qian's arm, but also pulled him down the stairs directly.

Not to mention Brother Qian, she felt pain just looking at it.That was quite a few stairs.Especially the lower body, it is estimated that it was touched several times by the steps.

Sheng Fenghua went up to the second floor and headed towards Wen Jianing's private room.As for what he just did by himself, he simply put it behind him.

People don't offend me, I don't offend people.

For those men who want to take advantage of her, she has always been ruthless.

As for the owner of the bar, it's not in her concern.Don't think that she can't see that the other party is doing it on purpose, that she wants to see her make a fool of herself, or that she wants to see her being insulted.

Since she likes to watch plays, she will let her watch as many as she wants, and even drag her into the water.Thinking about nothing has nothing to do with it, hang it high, no way!

As the owner of the bar, Ah Yue naturally couldn't watch customers have accidents.So, after she came to her senses, she endured the pain on her face, walked up to Brother Qian, and asked, "Brother Qian, are you okay? Or, I'll take you to the hospital."

"Give it a fucking try and see if it's okay." Brother Qian was startled by Sheng Fenghua before, and then he took a breath. Naturally, he didn't feel good about Ah Yue who took the initiative to send him to the door.

Moreover, because these regular customers know that although Ah Yue is the owner of the bar, she is also someone else's mistress.

For this reason, they don't respect Ah Yue too much, sometimes they speak in an unpleasant way, and they often take advantage of it.

"I'm sorry, Brother Qian, it was my negligence that caused you to be injured. In this way, I will give you a free bill for your consumption today, and then I will reimburse you for the medical expenses."

 The tenth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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