Chapter 595
Because there were a lot of people in the private room and the sound was relatively noisy, they didn't hear Sheng Fenghua's knock on the door.

Sheng Fenghua knocked on the door a few times, waited outside the door for a while, saw that no one came to answer the door, and when he was about to open the door, a waiter came over and asked: "Miss, may I help you?" ?”

"No, thank you!" Sheng Fenghua said while reaching out to push the door.

No, but the waiter suddenly blocked it with his hand, and said, "Miss, have you gone to the wrong place? This is Miss Wen's private room, and a country bumpkin like you can't get in."

As the waiter spoke, he looked at the clothes Sheng Fenghua was wearing with a disgusted look on his face.

After hearing what the other party said, Sheng Fenghua's face darkened.She didn't expect that everywhere she went, there would be people who looked down upon others with dog eyes.

A little waiter dared to laugh at her for being from the countryside.So, she looked at the waiter and said, "Young man, I advise you to keep your eyes open, lest you lose this job."

"Joke, just depending on you, dressing like this can make me lose my job, don't be ridiculous." The waiter looked at Sheng Fenghua with contempt, not paying attention to her at all.

"Really, then we can try it."

"Tch, do you think I'm afraid of you?" The waiter looked at Sheng Fenghua provocatively. He had heard before that Miss Wen had invited a village girl over to show her off.

As a loyal fan of Miss Wen, he naturally had to take the lead.So, he had been watching outside just now, thinking that Sheng Fenghua would be brought up by the boss himself, but he didn't want to find out that she was the only one.

Therefore, when he began to see Sheng Fenghua coming up, he hadn't thought about Sheng Fenghua yet.It wasn't confirmed until he watched her stand at the door for a while.

No, as soon as he confirmed it, he came up to find fault, and wanted to give Sheng Fenghua a blow.But he didn't think that a village girl dared to threaten him and said that he would lose his job.

Isn't this a joke?
She's just a village girl, how capable she is to make him lose his job.If it was Miss Wen and they said, he would believe it.

But Sheng Fenghua, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua sneered, and then pushed open the door behind him.She knew that whether it was the deliberate boss or the waiter in front of her, they were all instructed by Wen Jianing.

Therefore, instead of wasting time on these little people, she went directly to Wen Jianing, the real master.

The door of the private room was suddenly pushed open, and the voices inside stopped abruptly. Everyone who was talking and laughing turned their heads to look at the door.

The light in the private room was a bit dim, and they couldn't see clearly for a while.All I know is that a woman walked in.

The waiter saw that Sheng Fenghua pushed the door open and went in while he was not paying attention, his face became ugly, and he chased Sheng Fenghua and said: "You bumpkin, you haven't asked Miss Wen's permission, who let you in."

Sheng Fenghua's face darkened, he strode up to Wen Jianing, and said coldly: "Miss Wen, is this why you asked me to come?"

"Miss Sheng, what do you mean?" Wen Jianing looked at Sheng Fenghua and accused her as soon as he came in, and his face became ugly.

She did instruct the boss and the waiter, but Sheng Fenghua said it in front of everyone, but she felt ashamed.

"What do you mean? Shouldn't I ask Ms. Wen about you?" Sheng Fenghua sneered, looking down at Wen Jianing who was sitting on the sofa, his aura exuded, which surprised the ladies sitting at the same time .

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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