ace warm marriage

Chapter 600 Fainted

Chapter 600 Fainted
"No, no, let's just drink." The person who proposed to drink immediately shook his head and said, "We are all used to drinking, so let's save this drink for you."

Hearing this, Sheng Fenghua glanced at the drinks on the table, and secretly became vigilant.

Although there are indeed some good wines in this bar, there are not many women who like to drink.It's okay if it's a cocktail, but it's a strong drink like whiskey.

Unless these drinks were tampered with, the other party would not reject them so thoroughly.

Sure enough, is Wen Jianing's main event coming?
While thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua had an embarrassed look on his face, and said, "It's so embarrassing. Otherwise, let's not drink today."

"No, this wine must be drunk!" The women helped Sheng Fenghua pour the drink while talking.

The other party poured the drink and put it in Sheng Fenghua's hand.

Wen Jianing watched, his eyes flickered, then he also picked up a glass of wine and looked at Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua took the drink and put it on the tip of his nose to smell it.But nothing came out.However, she knew in her heart that the drink must have been flavored.

Fortunately, before she came, she took some antidote to anticipation drug, so she was relieved.

"Come on, Miss Sheng, I'll respect you first." The woman who raised the glass first looked at Sheng Fenghua and touched the drink in her hand.

"Done!" After the woman finished speaking, she drank the wine in one gulp.

Sheng Fenghua watched and had no choice but to drink the drink in the cup.

In the private room, besides Wen Jianing and Sheng Fenghua, there were six or seven other women.If each of them had a drink with Sheng Fenghua, Sheng Fenghua would have to drink seven drinks.

However, when she had only had two drinks, she felt a little dizzy.

So, she fell down on the sofa without warning, and the cup in her hand fell to the ground.

Wen Jianing and the women watched Sheng Fenghua fall, exchanged glances, and showed a successful trick smile on their faces.

"Miss Wen, she fainted."

"Call and have someone come and take her away."


A phone call was made, and the owner of the bar quickly came to the private room, followed by two men.

"Miss Wen!" Ah Yue stepped forward and called Wen Jianing respectfully, her eyes fell on Sheng Fenghua who was lying on the sofa.

Thinking of how powerful she was before, and seeing her unconscious appearance, Ah Yue curled her lips into a sneer.

"Take her away, find some more men, and rape her!" Wen Jianing ordered with a cold face.The man who dared to snatch her fancy would seek death.

"Yes!" Ah Yue replied, and then asked the two men to step forward, and was about to leave with Sheng Fenghua in their arms.

At this time, Sheng Fenghua who had fainted suddenly opened his eyes, and quickly shot the two men down.

After putting the two down, she looked at Wen Jianing with cold eyes full of killing intent.

"Miss Wen, I have no grievances or enmities with you. If you treat me like this, then don't blame me for being rude."

"Also, you are the same as her, so let's go with her as well."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua punched each of them and knocked them down, then picked up drinks and poured them one by one.

They didn't want to drink, and Sheng Fenghua forced them to drink too.

She didn't stop until everyone drank a lot of drinks, and then looked at the dumbfounded Ah Yue, and said, "Ah Yue, right? What Wen Jianing told you before, now you do ,Understand?"

 seven more.

(End of this chapter)

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