Chapter 605

Ah Yue wanted to say something, but Sheng Fenghua became impatient and said, "Okay, I don't want to hear any more. Choose one, either you send Wen Jianing to the nightclub, or you go to the nightclub by yourself."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua ignored Ah Yue and returned to Si Zhanbei's side, watching Ning Ruiyu unilaterally beat up Brother Qian.

Poor brother Qian, the arm that was just connected was dislocated again.There are also more scars on the head and face.

Those people that Brother Qian invited, after learning of Si Zhanbei's identities, all shrank back.

Just kidding, although they are gangsters, they still know who can and cannot be offended.

So, even if they were the ones that Brother Qian had hired, when they saw Brother Qian being beaten, they just watched from the sidelines, and had no intention of stepping forward to help.

After beating Brother Qian severely, Ning Ruiyu stopped, then looked at the group of gangsters, and said, "Which one of you did something just now, slap him ten times and keep the money on you. Otherwise If not, the young master will do it himself."

"Ning, Ning Shao, we..." The gangsters were a little embarrassed.If they hit themselves, they can't do it.

"You don't want to fight?" Ning Ruiyu's gaze sank, looking at those people.

"No, it's not!" Seeing Ning Ruiyu's face darken, the gangsters immediately faltered, then stretched out their hands and slapped themselves in the face.

"Try harder, haven't you eaten yet?" Seeing their actions, Ning Ruiyu was a little dissatisfied and said loudly.

So, those people had no choice but to fan themselves hard.After ten slaps, his face was swollen.

A slap is not counted, the money on the body is still handed over.This can be said to be the saddest thing they have encountered since their debut.

If they had known this would happen, they would not have come no matter how much money Brother Qian gave them.

"You guys can get out!" Seeing the gangsters beat him wisely and hand over the money, Ning Ruiyu mercifully let them go.

Hearing Ning Ruiyu's words, the gangsters covered one side of their faces as if they were being pardoned, and ran faster than rabbits.

Soon, only Sheng Fenghua and his party, as well as the boss Ah Yue and Qian Ge were left at the door of the private room.

Brother Qian was beaten up, but he still didn't dare to leave, and waited by enduring the pain.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Brother Qian lightly, then walked in front of him, raised his foot and kicked him on the knee, making him kneel in front of him, and said: "From now on, keep your eyes brighter and see Know who can be provoked and who cannot be provoked."

"Today, Madam Ben will let you go. Next time, if you dare to look at Madam Ben lewdly and want to touch your hands again, it will not be as simple as beating you up, but you will be crippled directly!"

When he said the words "I've ruined you", Sheng Fenghua's eyes fell directly between Brother Qian's legs, making him tense all over and shivering uncontrollably.

"Don't dare, never dare again." Brother Qian said quickly.Even if Sheng Fenghua didn't say anything, he wouldn't dare to provoke her anymore.

Just kidding, it's true that he has some money, but he can't afford to provoke anyone standing here, let alone a group of them.

"Get out!" Seeing that Brother Qian was scared, Sheng Fenghua let him leave.

Brother Qian was blown away, leaving only the boss, Ah Yue.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua's eyes looking towards her, Ah Yue's heart tightened.She still wanted to plead with Sheng Fenghua again, even if she knelt and kowtowed, or paid her compensation.

"Boss Yue, I wonder if you've made up your mind?" Sheng Fenghua glanced at Ah Yue and asked calmly.Just now she specially gave Ah Yue some time, just to let her think clearly about how to choose.

 Second, thank you for the reward of flying freely, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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