Chapter 612
"I can't bear you either. However, two years will pass soon, so you must not give up this opportunity, you know?"

Si Zhanbei didn't speak, but hugged Sheng Fenghua even tighter.

Because of this, the two of them didn't eat much for lunch, and some of them didn't know what to eat.In the end, the food was cold, and the two of them didn't eat any more.

Sheng Fenghua asked Si Zhanbei when he was leaving, and knowing that he was leaving the day after tomorrow, his mood became more and more depressed.

In order to divert his attention, Sheng Fenghua began to sort out Si Zhanbei's business and made a list of things to bring.

Then she called Dayong again and asked him to help buy some specialties from City A, and let Si Zhanbei take them with him, so that they could be given to Xu Qicheng and the others.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua busy, Si Zhanbei felt more and more uncomfortable. He stepped forward and pressed her hand to pack her things, and said, "I won't leave until the day after tomorrow, and I will have time to clean up tomorrow."

He is going to study, not to do anything else.I don’t bring too many things for business, just a few sets of change of clothes are enough, as for other things, the school will send them out.

Sheng Fenghua stopped, then turned around and hugged Si Zhanbei.

Si Zhanbei watched Sheng Fenghua's movements and hugged her back.The two hugged each other like this, standing in front of the wardrobe, not letting go for a long time.

It wasn't until it was time to go to work in the afternoon that the two of them picked up their mood and went to the special forces.

For some reason, the news that Si Zhanbei was going to study spread in the team, and the soldiers were very reluctant.Seeing him coming to the training ground, they all surrounded him.

"Boss, I heard that you are leaving us?" Hu Dongyang asked Si Zhanbei on behalf of everyone.

Si Zhanbei nodded, and said, "I'm going out to study for two years, you must listen to the instructor carefully. Train hard, don't be lazy just because I'm not here. If you let me know, if any of you don't practice well, just wait for me to come back Pack you up."

"Captain, don't worry, we will definitely not be lazy." Hu Dongyang said with a smile.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, let's continue training!" After Si Zhanbei finished speaking, everyone dispersed for training.

Si Zhanbei looked at everyone for a while, and the secretary came to look for him, and then left.

After Si Zhanbei left, Hu Dongyang walked up to Sheng Fenghua and asked, "Sister-in-law, the boss has gone to study, what should you do?"

"What should I do? Continue training!" Sheng Fenghua gave Hu Dongyang a blank look, and it was Si Zhanbei who went to study, not her.

"Boss is gone, can you still train?" Hu Dongyang looked at Sheng Fenghua suspiciously, he knew that Sheng Fenghua joined the Special Forces Team to rush to Si Zhanbei.

Now, Si Zhanbei is going to study.After leaving like this, Sheng Fenghua's heart doesn't follow suit?

"Then what should we do?" Sheng Fenghua glared at Hu Dongyang, not wanting to talk to him anymore.She is a soldier, a soldier, so she can't follow Si Zhanbei wherever she goes.

Not to mention that the organization won't be willing, and she won't do it herself.

Although they are husband and wife, she loves Si Zhanbei, and Si Zhanbei loves her too, but they don't stick together all day.If you want a long-term and stable relationship, you have to give each other space.

For things like feelings, the tighter you hold them, the faster they flow.So, have to relax properly.

Of course, she doesn't know if it's right to do so, but marriage needs to be managed, so let her practice slowly.

Hu Dongyang looked at Sheng Fenghua as if he was angry, he couldn't help touching his nose, and walked aside to train.He suddenly realized that he seemed to have stepped on a landmine.

That's right, Sheng Fenghua is now a soldier, so he can't help himself.

 Nine more.

(End of this chapter)

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