ace warm marriage

Chapter 617 is not very convenient

Chapter 617 is not very convenient
Qin Feng couldn't convince Sheng Fenghua, so he had to tell Si Zhanbei about her situation, and asked Si Zhanbei to persuade her well.

After Si Zhanbei hung up Qin Feng's phone, he called Sheng Fenghua directly.

At this time, Sheng Fenghua happened to be taking a shower, so he didn't receive it.

On the other side, Si Zhanbei saw that no one answered the phone, and was even more worried, so he called Qin Feng and asked him to go home to see what was going on with Sheng Fenghua.

When Qin Feng arrived at the family building, Sheng Fenghua had just taken a shower, was wearing pajamas, and his hair was still dripping.After hearing someone knocking on the door, he walked to the door and asked, "Who is it?"

"Sister-in-law, it's me, Qin Feng!"

Hearing that it was Qin Feng who came, Sheng Fenghua glanced at the pajamas he was wearing, as if it was inconvenient, so he said to him: "Is there anything the instructor can do for me at this time?"

When Qin Feng heard that Sheng Fenghua didn't open the door, he asked himself again, and immediately knew that it might be inconvenient for her, so he said directly: "Before Zhan Bei called you and said you didn't answer, let me come and have a look. Sister-in-law, are you okay?" Bar?"

"I'm fine. I was taking a shower just now. I didn't pick up the phone. I'll go back to him right away."

Qin Feng heard that Sheng Fenghua didn't seem to be in trouble outside, so he felt relieved and said: "Since my sister-in-law is fine, I'll go back first."

"Go back, I'm fine! Thank you for your hard work!"

"It's good that sister-in-law is fine, then I'm leaving."

After speaking, Qin Feng left.

Sheng Fenghua went back to his room and looked for his phone.She picked up the phone and looked, there were several missed calls, all from Si Zhanbei.

So, she took a towel, wiped her hair, and called Si Zhanbei back.

As soon as the phone rang, it was connected, and Si Zhanbei's voice came from next to his ear: "Daughter-in-law, why did you go before? Why didn't you answer the phone?"

Hearing the anxiety and worry in Si Zhanbei's tone, Sheng Fenghua's heart warmed, and he said, "I was taking a shower just now, you are looking for me so urgently, what's the matter?"

The reason why Sheng Fenghua asked this was because Si Zhanbei usually didn't call until after eight o'clock.But today, before 07:30, he called.

"Fenghua, I'm fine. However, I heard that you have been training too hard recently, what's the matter?" Si Zhanbei couldn't help but worry when he thought of what Qin Feng said.

Such intense training, not to mention Sheng Fenghua, even big men like them may not be able to sustain it.But Sheng Fenghua is like this every day, how can he not worry about it?
"Who did you hear about? Qin Feng?" Sheng Fenghua immediately thought of Qin Feng's conversation with him today, and murmured in his heart: This Qin Feng is really a big mouth, and he sued Si Zhanbei so soon?
"Daughter-in-law, didn't I tell you to take good care of yourself? You are working so hard now, what if your body breaks down, what should you do?" Si Zhanbei's tone was full of worry.

"Zhan Bei, I'm sorry to make you worry." Sheng Fenghua blamed herself a little. She only thought about improving herself and becoming the king of soldiers, but she forgot that such intense training is not something ordinary people can admit. Si Zhanbei would worry about it. normal.

However, in order not to make Si Zhanbei worry about himself and affect his study and training, Sheng Fenghua said to him: "Zhanbei, don't worry, I will be fine. You know, I have space, don't I? Now I drink the water in it after training every day. The water can not only restore physical strength quickly, but also enhance physical fitness. So, even if I train very hard on the first day, nothing will happen. Just let it go for a while A hundred hearts."

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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